The Weightless House - 2 rooms, 2 baths + room for extension

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This house would probably fly away if it was not hold on the ground by some stairs and a strong iron structure... Half way between cubism and spaceship, such a house would not be possible in real life... But in a Sims' world it is and that's what I like in this game !

The lot contains :

2 rooms, 2 bathrooms, study, kitchen, dining room and living room on the 1st floor.

1 jacuzzi, a bbq area, a huge swimming pool and enough instruments to make a concert on the ground floor.

The house can be easily extended. My advice for building extension would be adding walls on the ground floor as there is a split level on the top floor. There is also room for adding a driveway on the left of the lot.

This lot has been made with AGS : no SP required
Scanned with Clean Installer : no hacks.

I hope you'll have fun with this lot as it was a real fun to create it !

Lot Size: 5x2
Lot Price: 184,909 simoleons

Custom Content Included:
- Birch Tree Shrubby Larger by khakidoo

Additional Credits:
Numenor for AGS.
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