Maxis Match Majors - University Majors to Match all Maxis-Made Careers

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Uploaded: 26th Mar 2009 at 2:42 PM
Updated: 5th Jun 2009 at 8:01 PM
I finally got frustrated trying to figure out which Maxis University major linked to which Maxis career, and some of them just didn't make sense anyway (majoring in Drama to become an Athlete? Really?). So here's a fix for those of us who have better things to do than clicking through all the options to find the right career when declaring a major. Better things to do, like actually playing the game.

There are a total of 25 Maxis-Made careers and I've created a University major for each one of them, each with the same title and icon as the career, so picking the right one is easy. For each major, I cloned the Maxis major that linked to the correct career. All my majors have unique GUID's, and will not overwrite any other major in the game.

I mostly only changed the names and class titles and left the rest of the Maxis-made content alone when I cloned each major (and for the Artist major, I didn't even change the class titles from Maxis Art major... I kind of thought they were close enough to count. ). As much as I like to get in and change things around to my own liking, the idea behind leaving most of the Maxis-made content as-is was to ensure that each major would link as closely to the correct career as Maxis original majors were designed to do.

I did change some of the class times to coincide with each other, so that Science students and Natural Science students who take some of the same classes will be scheduled at the same time, and so that Education students won't be doing Child Care and Student Teaching at 10:00 at night! I also changed the number of hours students attend classes every day for some of the semesters. I hate the 3-hour classes, because my Young Adult Sims always have lots of other things to do besides wasting that extra hour in class. So each semester, the classes should only be 2 hours instead of jumping to 3 for some semesters, the way Maxis made the majors.

I've bundled the majors according to base game and expansion pack, so you can download the right ZIP(s) for the EP's you have.

To select these majors, or any other custom major, use FrikaC's Majors Made Easier.

For those Young Adult Sims who intend to open their own businesses when they graduate instead of getting jobs in the standard career tracks, I've included my Business Management Major.


The practice of athletic exercises; the principles of athletic training
cloned from Drama
linked careers: Entertainment, Dance, Athletics, Politics, Show Business
focused skills: charisma, body, logic, creativity
GUID: 0x0042CB2F

Class Lists
1. Get in Shape!: Establishing a Daily Workout Routine
2. You Are What You Eat: Nutrition for Health and Fitness

1. The Quest for Olympia: The History of Competitive Sports
2. Games People Play: Modern Competitive Sports

1. There is No "I" in "Team": Team Dynamics
2. MVP: Standing Out in the Crowd

1. Senior Project: Join the Team!
2. Senior Project: Assistant Coach


Business organization and procedures
cloned from Economics
linked careers: Music, Intelligence, Business, Politics, Show Business
focused skills: charisma, creativity, logic, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB30

Class Lists
1. Lying Vs. "Padding": The Professional Resume
2. Headhunters: You're Not Just for Dinner Anymore

1. The Trade Show: Showcasing Yourself, Your Product, and Your Company
2. Flying Busniess Class: The Out-Of-Town Business Conference

1. The Watercooler: Interoffice Dynamics
2. Being "The Manager", not "The Boss": Effective People Management

1. Advanced BrownNosing: Climbing the Corporate Ladder
2. From Cubicle to Office with a View: Rising Above the Ranks


The nature of crime
cloned from Mathematics
linked careers: Gamer, Architecture, Criminal, Natural Scientist, Science
focused skills: logic, cleaning, creativity, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB31

Class Lists
1. Rule #1: Don't Get Caught
2. "Where's My Wallet?": The Simple Pickpocket

1. Counterfeiting: "Making" Money
2. Smuggling: Avoiding Customs Inspection

1. Hacking: Computer Skills Required
2. Confidence: The "Con" in Con Artist

1. Conspiracy: Working as a Team
2. Organized Crime: This Thing of Ours


The art of taking a group of random ingredients and creating a masterpiece for the tastebuds.
cloned from Art
linked careers: Journalism, Architecture, Artist, Culinary, Slacker
focused skills: cooking, cleaning, creativity, body
GUID: 0x0042CB19

Class Lists
1. Zap It! Microwave Meals for College Students
2. Keep it Clean: Food Station Sanitation

1. Meat & Potatoes: Basic Meal Composition
2. Sweet Tooth: Pies and Pastries

1. Tools of the Trade: Use the Right Pan
2. From Dishwasher to Head Chef: Roles in the Professional Kitchen

1. Rules of Engagement: Health Code Compliance
2. Open for Business: Opening Your Restaurant


Law Enforcement
The noble occupation of ensuring obedience to the laws
cloned from Psychology
linked careers: Law, Education, Intelligence, Business, Law Enforcement, Paranormal
focused skills: logic, cleaning, creativity, charisma
GUID: 0x0042CB32

Class Lists
1. Not Like You See on TV: COPS in Real Life
2. Tools of the Trade: Taser, Mace, and 9mm

1. Criminal vs. Civil: What is a Crime?
2. Corporate Criminology: Embezzlement, Insider Trading, and other White Collar Crimes

1. Scene of the Crime: Preserving Evidence
2. Location! Location! Location! Guide to Doughnut Shops in the Greater SimCity Area

1. Target Practice: Weapons Certification
2. Senior Project: Ride-Alongs


The art of healing
cloned from Biology
linked careers: Education, Oceanography, Law Enforcement, Medicine, Natural Scientist
focused skills: logic, cleaning, body, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB2D

Class Lists
1. Them Bones, Them Bones: Basic Anatomy
2. Health Maintenance: The "H" and "M" in HMO

1. Not Like You See On TV: Emergency Medicine
2. Cover Your Mouth When You Cough: Illnesses, Diseases, and Chronic Conditions

1. Specialization: Obstetrics, Pediatrics, and Geriatrics
2. Getting Your License: Board Certification Requirements

1. Field Work: Medical Examiner's Office
2. Field Work: Free Clinic Volunteer


The defenders of freedom
cloned from History
linked careers: Law, Artist, Military, Politics
focused skills: logic, creativity, charimsa, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB33

Class Lists
1. Introduction to Army Leadership
2. Health and Physical Fitness

1. Principles of War
2. Military Operations and Tactics

1. Law of War
2. Weapons

1. Cultural Awareness
2. Post and Installation Support


The science and art of political government
cloned from Political Science
linked careers: Law, Intellegence, Military, Politics, Show Business
focused skills: charisma, cleaning, creativity, body
GUID: 0x0042CB34

Class Lists
1. Civics: Government Structure
2. "Someone Really Ought to Do Something": Answering the Call to Public Service

1. "This Message Paid For By...": Fundraising
2. Advanced Mudslinging: Campaigning

1. "Trust Me": Fostering Constituant Confidence
2. Incumbancy: Getting Re-Elected

1. Field Work: Observing City Hall
2. Senior Project: Running for Student Government


A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws
cloned from Physics
linked careers: Gamer, Medicine, Paranormal, Science
focused skills: mechanical, cleaning, creativity, logic
GUID: 0x0042CB35

Class Lists
1. Life Science
2. Physical Science

1. Biology
2. Chemistry

1. Physics
2. Astronomy

1. Field Work: Museum of Natural History
2. Field Work: Archeological Dig


Don't worry, be happy
cloned from Philosophy
linked careers: Journalism, Culinary, Paranormal, Slacker
focused skills: logic, creativity, charisma, cooking
GUID: 0x0042CB36

Class Lists
1. "This is Work?": Making Your Living Having Fun
2. Easy and Fun vs. Difficult and Demanding: Jobs to Look For, Jobs to Avoid

1. The Candy Rack: Gas Stations and Convenience Stores
2. Know Your Tunes: Record Stores and Party DJing

1. Picture This: Photograpy and Digital Photo Editing
2. Let's Go to the Movies: Film Editing

1. Freelancing: Set Your Own Hours
2. Professional Party Guest: Get Paid to Party!



What better pursuit than to devote one's life to the pursuit of the beautiful or thought provoking? While the disciplines are diverse indeed, all artists are brought together with one goal: creation.
cloned from Art
linked careers: Journalism, Architecture, Artist, Culinary, Slacker
focused skills: creativity, charisma, mechanical, cooking
GUID: 0x0042CB2E

Class Lists
1. Stick Figures: Lowering the Bar
2. Life Drawing: An Excuse to See Naked People

1. Underwater Basket Weaving: Art Meets Fitness
2. Oil Painting and Other Ways to Poison Oneself

1. Art History 1: Artists You'll Never be as Good As
2. Art History 2: Artists You're Already Way Better Than

1. Impressionism and other Blurry Movements
2. Conceptual Art: No, Really. It's Art


Natural Scientist
A naturalistic approach to the study of the universe
cloned from Biology
linked careers: Education, Oceanography, Law Enforcement, Medicine, Natural Scientist
focused skills: logic, cleaning, body, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB3F

Class Lists
1. Life Science
2. Earth Science

1. Biology
2. Botany

1. Entomology
2. Ecology

1. Field Work: Museum of Natural History
2. Field Work: Archeological Dig


The truth is somewhere
cloned from Philosophy
linked careers: Journalism, Culinary, Paranormal, Slacker
focused skills: logic, creativity, charisma, cooking
GUID: 0x0042CB40

Class Lists
1. Beyond Scientific Explanation: Exploring the Unseen World
2. "Prove It": Answering the Skeptics

1. Zombie Culture: Achieving Immortality
2. The Lonely Existence: No Kissing for Bigfoot

1. Understanding Special Needs: PlantSims Need Light, Vampires Don't
2. Cross-Pollination DNA: Alien Genes are Dominant, Werewolf Genes Aren't

1. Field Work: Join a Ghost Hunt
2. Field Work: Get Abducted by Aliens!


Show Business
There's no business like show business!
cloned from Drama
linked careers: Entertainment, Dance, Athletics, Politics, Show Business
focused skills: charisma, creativity, logic, body
GUID: 0x0042CB41

Class Lists
1. Credits and Headshots: Putting Together a Professional Portfolio
2. The Professional Coach: Vocal, Acting, Modeling

1. The First Audition
2. The Call-Back

1. "There Are No Small Parts": The Role of the Supporting Cast
2. "I'm Ready For My Close-Up": Your Name Above the Credits

1. Senior Project: Local Auditions
2. Senior Project: Participate in a Local Production



Risk, chance, fortune, luck
cloned from Literature
linked careers: Music, Adventurer, Entertainment, Criminal, Show Business, Slacker
focused skills: creativity, body, charisma, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB3C

Class Lists
1. Dress the Part: A Versatile and Durable Wardrobe
2. From Quicksand to Fire Ants: Evading Dangerous Situations

1. Eyeball Soup and Monkey Brains: Surviving Local Cuisine
2. Keep Your Head in Headhunting Territory: Surviving Local Customs

1. "When In Rome...": Blending In
2. The Femme Fatale: Don't Fall for a Pretty Face

1. Think Fast!: In a Tight Spot, Improvise
2. "Looting vs. "Recovering": Respecting Cultural History


The science and art of teaching
cloned from Biology
linked careers: Education, Oceanography, Law Enforcement, Medicine, Natural Scientist
focused skills: logic, creativity, charisma, cleaning
GUID: 0x0042CB2B

Class Lists
1. Early Child Development: A Good Start
2. Learning Styles: Education as an Interactive Experience

1. Elementary Education: Giving a Good Foundation for Learning
2. Secondary Education: Fostering a Life-long Love of Learning

1. Special Education: Special Teaching for Special Kids
2. Advanced Placement: Accelerated Learning

1. Senior Project: Daycare
2. Senior Project: Student Teaching


In pursuit of a top score
cloned from Physics
linked careers: Gamer, Medicine, Paranormal, Science
focused skills: mechanical, cleaning, creativity, logic
GUID: 0x0042CB3D

Class Lists
1. Level 1: PC vs. Game Console
2. Level 2: Game Controller vs. Keyboard and Mouse

1. Level 3: Role-Playing vs. Simulation
2. Level 4: Action vs. Adventure

1. Level 5: Multi-Player and Online Play
2. Level 6: Customizing Game Play

1. Level 7: Cheat Codes
2. Level 8: Game Over!


A course of study preparing students for careers in reporting, writing, and editing for newspapers and magazines
cloned from Philosophy
linked careers: Journalism, Culinary, Paranormal, Slacker
focused skills: logic, creativity, charisma, cooking
GUID: 0x0042CB3E

Class Lists
1. The Written Word: History of Mass Communication
2. Freedom of the Press: Mass Media in Society

1. In Black and White: News Coverage of Racial Issues
2. Tonight at Eleven: Broadcast News

1. To the Editor: Fundamentals of Writing and Editing
2. Breaking the Silence: Fighting Censorship

1. Senior Project: Student Newspaper
2. Senior Project: Literary Magazine


All the rules, regulations, and policies that keep our society civilized
cloned from History
linked careers: Law, Military, Artist, Politics
GUID: 0x0042CB22
focused skills: charisma, logic, creativity, mechanical

Class Lists
1. A Foundation to Build On: Historic Legal Documents
2. Lothario vs Crumplebottom: Historic Legal Precidents

1. Irreconcilable Differences: Family Law
2. Advanced Ambulance Chasing: Personal Injury

1. Hostile Takeover: Corporate Law
2. Rights and Copyrights: Intellectual Property

1. Field Work: Attend a Real Courthouse Trial
2. Senior Project: Mock Trial


The Universal Language
cloned from Literature
linked careers: Music, Adventurer, Entertainment, Criminal, Show Business, Slacker
GUID: 0x0042CB1B
focused skills: creativity, charisma, mechanical, logic

1. Music History: The Masters
2. Music Theory: More Than Lines & Notes

1. Sectionals: The Brass
2. Sectionals: The Woodwinds

1. Sectionals: The Strings
2. Sectionals: Percussion

1. Senior Project: Join the Symphony
2. Senior Project: Battle of the Bands



Designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments, usually with some regard to aesthetic effect
cloned from Mathematics
linked careers: Gamer, Architecture, Criminal, Natural Scientist, Science
focused skills: logic, cleaning, creativity, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB37

Class Lists
1. Mathematics: Algebra
2. Mathematics: Geometry

1. Technical Drawing: Drafting
2. The Information Age: Computer Aided Design

1. From Floorplans to Blueprints: Bringing Your Ideas to Life
2. The Laws of Physics: Architectural Engineering

1. Field Work: Visit a Construction Site
2. Senior Project: Architectural Apprenticeship


Let the music move you
cloned from Drama
linked careers: Entertainment, Dance, Athletics, Politics, Show Business
focused skills: charisma, creativity, logic, body
GUID: 0x0042CB38

Class Lists
1. Folk Dance
2. Ballroom Dance

1. Latin Dance
2. Swing Dance

1. Street Dance
2. Break Dance

1. Ballet
2. River Dance!


Pleasure, diversion, or amusement
cloned from Drama
linked careers: Entertainment, Dance, Athletics, Politics, Show Business
focused skills: charisma, creativity, logic, body
GUID: 0x0042CB39

Class Lists
1. Leave 'Em Laughing: Stand-Up Comedy
2. The Invisible Box: Street Mime

1. Keep Your Balls in the Air: Juggling
2. Who's the Dummy? Ventriloquism

1. The Impossible Dream: Lounge Singing
2. Nothing Up My Sleeve: Magic Tricks and Illusions

1. Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery: Choosing a Famous Mentor to Emmulate
2. Senior Project: Talent Night


Restricted to persons with classified authorization
cloned from Psychology
linked careers: Law, Education, Intelligence, Business, Law Enforcement, Paranormal
focused skills: logic, cleaning, creativity, charisma
GUID: 0x0042CB3A

Class Lists
1. Cassified
2. Classified

1. Top Secret
2. Classified

1. Classified
2. Classified

1. Top Secret
2. Security Clearance Required


The branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean
cloned from Biology
linked careers: Education, Oceanography, Law Enforcement, Medicine, Natural Scientist
focused skills: logic, cleaning, body, mechanical
GUID: 0x0042CB3B

Class Lists
1. Basic Aquarium: Tropical and Freshwater Species
2. Advanced Aquarium: Salt Water Species

1. Marine Biology: Ocean Plants and Animals
2. Marine Chemistry: The Chemistry of the Ocean

1. Marine Geology: Geology of the Ocean Floor
2. Marine Physics: Physical Attributes Unique to the Ocean

1. Senior Project: Joining the Environmentalist Movement
2. Field Work: Whale Watch


Business Management
The foundation to owning your own business. Manage your business, manage your people, manage yourself.
cloned from Economics
linked careers: Business, Politics, Show Business
focused skills: charisma, logic, creativity, cleaning
GUID: 0x0042CB1A

1. Location! Location! Location!: Home Business vs Community Lot
2. Under Construction: Building vs Renovating

1. Stock Up: Managing Inventory
2. Help Wanted: Hiring and Managing Employees

1. Customer Stars: The Key to Customer Loyalty
2. Best of the Best: Getting a Good Review

1. MotherLode: Funding Your Dream
2. Senior Project: Open for Business



- You may alter these majors to your heart's content for personal use in your own game.

- You may include these files, unaltered, in uploads to ModTheSims2. Please provide appropriate credit when doing so, and a link to the original post so Simmers can see what they're getting. Also, let me know so I can see what you've done with it!

- Please do not redistribute on any pay sites, or the Exchange.

- Please do not claim my work as your own.


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