2 The Lord of The Rings Defualt Replacement Sci Fi Books Simlish/English Only Download One File

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Uploaded: 29th Apr 2009 at 6:38 PM
Updated: 17th Aug 2009 at 9:57 AM

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I'm a huge LOTR fan, even long before the movies came out, I was really into reading all of the books. And I was kind of disappointed that Tom Bombadil and Goldberry weren't in the Fellowship of the Ring movie, but what ya gonna do? I know you may be thinking Lord of the Rings isn't really sci-fi it's more fantasy, but when I was doing my usual surfing through SimPE to see what I could edit, I noticed the little txtr image on the book said fantasy, but in game it says sci-fi. The sci-fi book comes with Freetime, so you will need that expansion pack.

Not to be used with any other Sci Fi default replacement book, only download one file Do Not Download More Than One.

Additional Credits: SimPE gimp 2.6


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