More/Less Cheaty Pregnancy Moodlet -- Now Updated for 1.67
PregnancyMoodlet.jpg - width=800 height=674
Is it too easy to keep your pregnant sim's mood high? Too hard? No more! Strengthen the mood effect from pregnancy, neutralize it, or even make it negative with this simple mod.
- No mood effect from pregnancy (+/-0)
- Negative mood effect from pregnancy (-20)
- Doubly positive mood effect from pregnancy (+40)
Only download one flavor! You can't have more than one mood effect at a time in the tuning file, and giving multiple versions will only confuse your game.
This is an XML mod that modifies the main buffs XML file. As a consequence, it will conflict with other mods that alter buffs.XML (e.g. longer mood effects from life events, less stir-craziness, etc.). If you want to use several such mods together, contact either me or the other creator to ask for both changes in the same file.
Buffs.XML is one of the major files that gets edited with every single EP. That means that for any major patch, this mod WILL need updating.
Ideally, I would love to write a scripting mod so that "family-oriented" and "nurturing" sims get positive mood effects from pregnancy, while sims with the "dislikes children" and "commitment issues" traits would get negative mood effects, since it has always irritated me that EA created those traits and then didn't bother to follow through with them. This is not that mod. If you have ideas for that mod, feel free to contact me. But that project will require much more work, so it may be some time.
Edited 4/5/14: Now updated for game version 1.67
(Older versions still available for people who have not updated their games--as always, make sure you have only ONE version/flavor of this mod installed!)
Additional Credits:
- Made possible by S3PE
- Pose used in picture is from spladoum's "Bad Morning" pose pack
Note from the Creator:
| Bigger mood boost from pregnancy (for game version 1.67)
Uploaded: 6th Apr 2014, 64.6 KB.
| Negative mood effect from pregnancy (for game version 1.67)
Uploaded: 6th Apr 2014, 64.6 KB.
| No mood effect from pregnancy (for game version 1.67)
Uploaded: 6th Apr 2014, 64.6 KB.
| Bigger mood boost from pregnancy
Uploaded: 19th Jul 2013, 56.9 KB.
| Negative mood effect from pregnancy
Uploaded: 19th Jul 2013, 57.0 KB.
| No mood effect from pregnancy
Uploaded: 19th Jul 2013, 56.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 20th Apr 2014 at 8:36 AM
#pregnancy, #moodlet, #moodeffect
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