(UPDATE: 7-JUL-2016) Ingredient Moodlets From Meals + More Filling Kelp & Fish Meals For Mermaids
MermaidEatBeforeAfter.jpg - width=1546 height=667
VampireEatBeforeAfter.jpg - width=1684 height=664
StuSurprise.jpg - width=1403 height=672


- Sims will no longer go for leftovers in the fridge if another sim is currently cooking a group meal on the lot
- Sims with Arsil's Japanese Culture trait will eat with chopsticks instead of forks if you have World Adventures
11-JUN-2015: Sims should hopefully no longer reset when the game loads if the game was saved while they halfway eating a meal.
4-JUN-2015: Sims can also get ingredient moodlets from quick meals made with actual ingredients (which possible with the latest version of the Cook With Any Ingredients mod once you modified its tuning)
30-MAY-2015: Mermaids should be more likely to choose to eat a serving of food cooked with kelp or fish over one that wasn't.
5-APR-2015: Sims will now also receive ingredient moodlets and effects from...
herbs and coffee beans used to cook meals (If multiple types of herbs were used to cook the meal, your sim stands to receive the effects of all of them provided they don't get sick from the increased chance of Herb Nausea that comes with using more than one herb in the dish)
drinking nectar (moodlet strength and duration will depend on the percentage of the ingredient in the nectar) (Note: the Life Fruit and Flame Fruit effects are already coded into the game for nectar so this mod won't add them. The effects of these fruits only apply if the nectar was made by sim at max Nectar Making skill level and if their percentages are above a certain number so it'll take some effort for them to show up)
eating the ingredient raw
Ingredient moodlet duration and strength now depend on how much of the meal was eaten (notably less for food that came from a Resort Buffet Table).
- Foods that are flaming also give the Warm Fuzzies moodlet, while non-flaming Baked Angel Food cake no longer does. Pyromaniacs also gain some fun and energy from eating flaming foods, while mummies will avoid eating them.
- Instead of bizarrely eating forking ice cream popsicles summoned by Genies on plates, sims will pick them up and eat them by the stick as they should.
- Vampire teens and children will gain hunger as usual from meals again (thanks to Nylaba for the report)
Sims should now avoid autonomously eating foods that aren't suitable for their consumption (i.e. vegetarians and meals cooked with meat, non-vampires and meals cooked with Plasma Fruit, non-slobs and spoilt food) unless they are starving and desperate.
14-FEB-2015: Updated to be compatible with the Reheat Food in Microwave mod.
4-FEB-2015: Now possible to have the mod add ANY moodlet for ANY ingredient of your choice. See Mod Details section for info.
21-SEP-2014: The "Bring A Serving To..." interaction should no longer appear twice on group meals with this mod installed.

17-SEP-2014: Sims will now get the appropriate moodlets when eating Toy Oven food cooked with actual ingredients using the Cook With Any Ingredient mod .
4-JUL-2014: Fixed a big typo in the XML.
14-JUN-2014: Fixed a mistake in the Grab A Serving interaction made in the previous version.
11-JUN-2014: Updated compatibility with the latest version of the Bring Food And Drinks To Others mod
30-APR-2014: Added a few more ingredient moodlets, see below for details (Thanks to DarkWillow76 for the original suggestion).
12-APR-2014: This mod no longer handles sims eating Pizza, Baby Food and Pet foods (the original interaction will be used instead for these foods). Thanks to Darkside43 or I wouldn't have realized the incompatibility of the mod with these foods.
10-APR-2014: Unlocked the Grab A Serving and Eat Held Food interactions for use by sims on Resorts that are not checked in.

Now possible for Vampires eating meals cooked with Plasma Fruit to gain the "Sated" or "Sanguine Snack" moodlets previously only possible when eating raw Plasma Fruit.
Mod Description
This is a script mod which replaces the default interaction sims use to eat meals with a custom version with various tweaks. Mainly
- allows sims to gain effects and moodlets from the ingredients used in cooked meals AND nectar which normally they wouldn't unless they ate those ingredients raw.
- makes meals cooked with kelp and/or fish more filling for mermaids (By default, mermaids only gain a quarter of the hunger a meal regularly provides since they are meant to only be satisfied by raw fish and kelp)

Stu Surprise made with Life Fruit and Garlic
Ingredient Moodlets and Effects
When a sim eats a cooked meal, the mod will check the ingredients used in the dish and grant the sim eating the following benefits and moodlets previously only given if the ingredients were eaten raw.
Ingredient (requirements) | Moodlets/Effect (requirements) |
Apple | Increases chance of conceiving a boy (Pregnant Sims only) |
Watermelon | Increases chance of conceiving a girl (Pregnant Sims only) |
Garlic | Garlic Breath (chance of getting it depends on how much of the meal is made of Garlic) Vampires: Nauseous or Knocked Out |
Flame Fruit | Warm Fuzzies |
Life Fruit | Lifespan increased. |
Plasma Fruit (Late Night) | Vampires: Sated (minimum ingredient quality: Very Nice) / Sanguine Snack (minimum ingredient quality: Outstanding). Non-vampires: Nauseous |
Ghost Chilli (Supernatural) | Spicy / Too Spicy (ingredient quality below Nice) |
Cocoa (Bohemian Garden store set) | Chocolate Chuckles (Late Night + at least Normal ingredient quality) / Chocolate Bliss (Chocolate Fountain from the store + at least Excellent ingredient quality) |
All Herbs and Coffee Beans (University Life) | Corresponding moodlets/effects. The more herbs used the higher the chance of Herb Nausea which cancels out any of their positive effects. |
ANY ingredient of your choice (see below for instructions) | ANY moodlet of your choice |
- Spoiled food will give NO effects except those from Garlic, Ghost Chili and herbs.
- The effects will stack, so if say a pregnant sim was eating Stu Surprise made with Apple and Flame Fruit, both effects are gained. The exception being Garlic and Plasma Fruit for Vampires - Garlic will prevent them from receiving the Plasma Fruit moodlets.
- If more than one of the same ingredient was used, the effect is only applied once. For Plasma Fruit and Cocoa, the moodlet given depends on the ingredient of highest quality (For Ghost Chili, the lowest instead).
- Moodlet duration and strength depend on how much of the meal was eaten (and are reduced further still if the food came from a Resort Buffet Table since sims will continuously grab food from them).
- Drinking nectar made from any of these ingredients will also provide their effects depending on the percentage of the ingredient used in the nectar. (Note: the Life Fruit and Flame Fruit effects are already coded into the game for nectar so this mod won't add them. Note that the effects of these 2 fruits only apply if the nectar was made by sim with max nectar making skill and if their percentages are above a certain number)
- Eating Flame Fruit, Ghost Chilli, and any of the extra ingredients raw will also provide the above effects.
In addition you can add any ingredient(s) you would like the mod to take account for and set a moodlet of your choice to give sims eating a meal cooked with that ingredient.
Open the mod package with S3PE and edit the Tunings XML. At the bottom of it you will find 2 lists which should look like this:
<kIngredientsThatGiveMoodlets value= "Banana, Strawberry">
<!--Description: (...) -->
<kMoodletsToGive value= "Bananah, SocialStrawberry">
<!--Description: (...)-->
kIngredientsThatGiveMoodlets lists the extra ingredients you want the mod to look out for, while kMoodletsToGive lists the corresponding moodlets to apply. So according to this a meal cooked with Bananas will provide the Banan-ahhhhhhhhh moodlet while a meal with Strawberries (Bohemian Garden store set or douglasveiga's Strawberry mod required) will provide the Social Strawberry moodlet. (both moodlets require Late Night, but if you don't have the appropriate expansions/store sets the mod will simply ignore those moodlets so it's safe to leave the lists as they are).
Feel free to change/add to the lists as you wish, just remember to keep both in the same order. For any ingredient you want to add to kIngredientsThatGiveMoodlets you must type in the "IngredientKey" of the ingredient, which you can refer to the Ingredients and Fishing XML in the GameplayData package to find. For the moodlets, you must use their "Hex" value which can be found in the Buffs XML. For Store ingredients/moodlets refer to your ccmerged. For custom ingredients/moodlets added via other mods, refer to the appropriate XMLs in those mods.
How Mermaid Hunger is Effected

Yes, that's a mermaid in the picture (just realized now that I should have made her eat standing to show her legs at least *facepalm*)For meals cooked either with kelp or fish from the sea, mermaids stand to gain between 75%~100% of the hunger usually gained by normal sims instead of the default 25%.
With this mod installed, when a Mermaid eats a serving of food, the mod will check the following:
- If the serving has kelp as an ingredient, Mermaids will gain 100% the full hunger value of the meal. Note that you'll need a separate mod to cook with Kelp since that isn't possible by default (*sigh* EA...)
- If the serving was cooked with actual ingredients, the mod checks how many of those ingredients count as fish. Mermaids will gain either 75% or the full 100% of the normal hunger provided by the meal depending on how many sea fish was used in the meal: 1 fish = 75%, 2 or more fish = 100% (My reasoning being eating one raw fish gives about 75% of the hunger eating one kelp does by default).
- I have excluded the in-game "fish" types that I considered would probably not appear in a typical sea creature's diet, mainly the freshwater species and some of the more bizzare ones. But if you insist that your Mermaids are fine eating Robot Fish Roll Sushi or Stu Surprise made with Sewer Trilobite and Toad then go ahead and edit the list of excluded fish which is tunable in the package (see End Notes).
- If no kelp or sea fish was used in the dish, the game's usual 25% multiplier for Mermaids is used (or if you have a separate mod altering this value this mod will follow whatever that value is instead).
Tuna Roll Sushi : 75% but Goldfish Roll Sushi : 25%
Stu Surprise cooked with...
2 Tunas : 100%
1 Tuna + 1 Goldfish : 75%
2 Goldfish : 25%
- If the meal was not actually cooked with any ingredients (e.g. food bought at registers, bars or stands, food summoned by Genies etc.) the mod first check the recipe for the meal (if it has one) and the ingredients usually required to cook the recipe. If the recipe requires a specific type of fish from the sea (Grilled Salmon, Lobster Thermidor) they gain 75%, if no fish or only non-sea fish are required (Frogs Legs) only 25% as usual is given.
If the recipe requires fish but not a specific one (e.g. Fish & Chips), the mod simply assumes that sea fish was used in the recipe and the percentage of the usual hunger gained will based on how many fish would usually be required to cook it (Sushi requires 1 Fish: 75%; Dim Sum requires 3 Fish: 100% etc.) Stu Surprise or any recipe that usually will accept any ingredient will now only provide 25%.
More Features
This mod also modifies the way sims autonomously choose what foods to eat if given a choice.
- Non-vampires should no longer autonomously choose to eat meals cooked with Plasma Fruit, unless they are literally starving to death and desperate for food.
- Mermaids are more likely to choose to eat a serving of food cooked with kelp or fish over one that wasn't.
- Pyromaniacs will prefer foods cooked with flame fruit or have the flaming effect, while mummies will avoid them.
In addition:
- Pyromaniacs also also gain some fun and energy from eating flaming foods.
- Ever realize that ice cream popsicles from sources other than the ice cream truck (summoned by genies, from the food synthesizer etc) come in plates forcing sims to eat them using forks? This mod will force sims to pick up such popsicles from their plates and eat them normally instead.
Sims will no longer go for leftovers in the fridge if another sim is currently cooking a group meal on the lot
Sims will no longer use chopsticks when eating desserts in China or if they have either the hidden Asian/Japanese Culture traits.
Sims with Arsil's Japanese Culture trait will eat with chopsticks instead of forks if you have World Adventures
End Notes
Tunables (editable in package using S3PE)
- kExtraMermaidFoodRecipes : This is a list of extra recipes that don't either don't require any ingredients or do not have any Fish as a requirement, but I felt sounded 'Fish-y' enough for mermaid consumption (each will give 75% instead of the usual 25% hunger)
Default: Shrimp Cocktail, Clam Chowder, Firecracker Shrimp, Deep Fried Fish (from the Store) - kInvalidMermaidFoodIngredients : List of fish types the mod will consider invalid for Mermaids.
Default : Minnow, Goldfish, Rainbow Trout, Piranha, Black Goldfish, Vampire Fish, Robot Fish, Death Fish, Mummy Fish, Crocodile, Frogs, Dragon Fish, Doitsu Koi, Kawarimono Koi, Ochiba Koi, Tancho Koi, Snails, Sewer Trilobite, Toad, Luminous Salamander, Rainbow Snail - kHungerGivenIsPerFish : If set to False, all meals that have at least one valid fish will give 100% hunger regardless of the number of valid fish contained. Default : True
- kHungerPerFish : Hunger gained by Mermaids for every valid fish in the dish Default : 150
- kExcludeInvalidFish : Set to False to allow all fish types to be considered valid Default :True
Built on Patch 1.63. Should work on patches 1.63 and up
No expansions required, but you will obviously only see the effects for the ingredients available in the base game and the EPs you have installed. Mermaids of course come with IP, but even without that expansion you can still use this mod for it's other benefits.
Since this is a script mod it will not conflict with tuning mods. It will read values from tuning mods like the food multiplier value for mermaids from the OccultMermaid XML for example. If you are also using a mod that changes the value of that multiplier, this mod will just apply the higher one between the modified value and its own calculated one.

Also have an extra mod that prevents mermaids from eating raw non-sea fish
Mermaids Cannot Eat Non-Sea Fish Raw

| Updated 7-JUL-2016
Uploaded: 6th Jul 2016, 19.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 6th Jul 2016 at 5:41 PM - Mod Update
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