Something In Your Eye-DIY Eye Kit-UPDATE!
Something In Your Eye Preview.jpg - width=757 height=757
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To use these on babies, you will need a modded object that allows you to make changes to a baby's appearance. I use the Sim Blender by twojeffs.
Custom baby hair and clothes by Theraven at moonlightdragons. Registration required.
Original Blurb
I've been finishing up small projects lately, and since this one is pretty fun to use, I thought I'd share it. What we have here is another DIY special effect kit, only this time it's focused on the eyes. What you'll find here are 3 sclera blushes, 4 inner iris tints, a pupil to go over those iris tints, 2 types of cataracts, 1 pair of corrective contact lenses, and 4 spotlights. The scleras, irises, and pupils are available for all ages and genders and found in the Blush bin. The others are found in Costume makeup, or as I prefer to call it, Full-Face makeup. Spotlights and cataracts are available for all ages and genders, whereas the contact lenses are only available for children and older. (Since I play Child Sims as being 5-12, I thought it'd be fine for them to use them too.)
Hit the purdy button if you like to read lots of blah, blah, blah. Go on, reading's good for you!
Sclera Galore
If you've seen my other uploads, you may have noticed that I like imperfect Sims. And layers. And multi-wearable layers. So when I was making a dark sclera blush, I thought, "Hey, none of these sclera look like my eyes. Them Sims need more allergies!" Thus, the birth of the bloodshot sclera. Perfect for Sims suffering from allergies, lack of sleep, stress, or too much "juice". These can't be worn together (why would they be, they're completely opaque), but they can be worn with all other blushes. As for the light sclera, that's just the same sclera you'd find on my Simply Eyes. Handy if you like collecting sclera blushes. We all have our hobbies.
Since you can't make out the full details of a sclera from a front view, I was feeling generous and snapped some shots of Sims pouring soap into a fountain.

Iris and Pupils, oh my!
There's nothing too special about the inner iris; just four basic colors to add some diveristy to your Sims' eyes. Assuming my brain cells aren't completely failing me, these also can NOT be worn together, as it just looked unnatural. Otherwise, they layer fine over other blushes, but be warned! You want to use a pupil with these, as they discolor the Sims' original pupils. You can use the one I provided or ones from others. I also use sugarandcaffeine's Eyekit FX, since those pupils work well over these irises.
Cataracts and Contacts for the Visually Impaired
NOTE: In case you were thinking these are modded somehow to make your Sims actually blind/impaired, think again. They're just simple special effects.
I've worn corrective contact lenses for, what, 15 years now? While it's fun to have Sims wear glasses, it kind of bugged me that I couldn't find any corrective lenses for them, since it is subtly noticeable. So, I made my own. It has a very light blue tint and makes the eyes look a little hazier, glassier even. These will not fit well over eyes with large irises, like Maxis eyes. They were intended for my Simply Eyes, but they fit nicely enough over other eyes with smaller irises.
As for the cataracts, those were a special request by Lastgale. They can be layered over each other to make an opaque film over the pupil. Like the contact lenses, these were made especially for my Simply Eyes, but again, you can use them over other eyes with small pupils. They fit nicely over my pupil effect, too.
In the Spotlight Now
Lastly, the spotlights. These were fun to do. I was a little disappointed with how my last bunch looked on very dark eyes. So that was enough incentive to make some more. These look glossier and softer than my others. And you can still layer them over each other (and over my last set) to make your own unique eyes. Unlike most of this set, these also look great on Maxis' original eyes, although I don't have a pic to prove it.
Wondering how these look on different types of eyes? Well, I took the liberty of testing them out on some random, er, selectively chosen eyes of different styles found right here on Mod The Sims. Whether you like doll eyes, cartoonish eyes, or sem-realistic eyes, this is a nice sample of how it will work:

Those were all grey or almost grey eyes, so you know. So yeah, like, cool and stuff.
Additional Credits:
CC on Models
GENETICS: Skins are by me, unreleased. Same for the eyebrows.
Simply Eyes are by me. The eyes shown in the demo are Shady's Sparkling Eyes, AlfredAskew's Bowls of Soul and Whatever, and Phaenoh's Keen Eyes.
Hairs are retextures of Maxis, unreleased by me, and two custom hairs. The short curly black hair is Lidiqnata's edit of Nouk's Long Wavy Hair. The brown kinky curls are by Trapping and Nymphy, from here.
MAKEUP: Some of them can't get enough of Kimsie's Realistic Eyeliner. They're also wearing Nysha's Peahen Eyeshadow. Besides that, they're wearing special effect makeup from my UnBeauty Parlor.
ACCESSORIES and CLOTHES: Alma, today's featured model who posed for the main thumbnail, is wearing Dustfinger's Cute Ruffled Shirt, and her necklace is by amandaskeefer, from her Kawaii Necklace Set. I know, you can scarcely see either item, but I know she's using them, so into the credits they go!
Additional Credits: Eaxis, for the awesome Sims 2 and BodyShop. Live long and prosper, The Sims 2.
The Joneses, for SimPE.
DJFade, for The Compressorizer.
Corel Paintshop Pro X6.
Hysterical Paroxysm, for her tutorial on layers and bins that got me started on this obsession of layerable special effects. Although, I question how grateful I should be for that, considering how nearly everything I make is multi-wearable. :P
Fraps. for making it easier to take screenshots.
Lidiqnata, for always being so patient with helping me prepare my other uploads. You deserve a big thank-you.

And thanks to everyone who checks out these little downloads of mine. It's been a blast to share with you.
Sourpussy_Something In Your Eye.rar
| Multi-wearable eye effects filled with personality.
Uploaded: 13th Jul 2014, 311.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 18th Aug 2014 at 12:10 AM
#eye, #effects, #multi-wearable, #layer-able, #sclera, #cataracts, #contacts, #spotlights
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About Me
If you ever do use any of my stuff as a basis for your own, I'd love to hear from you, just to check it out. You can either PM me or leave a comment in one of my uploads. But you don't have to get permission from me to post anything; consider permission already granted.