Imperfection-Part One
Lobster and Peachy Faces-Male.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Lobster and Peachy Faces-Female.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Vanilla and Cashew Faces-Female.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Vanilla and Cashew Faces-Male.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Brick and Milkyway Faces-Female.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Brick and Milkyway Faces-Male.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Roasted Almond and Pinecone Faces-Female.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Roasted Almond and Pinecone Faces-Male.jpg - width=1772 height=1438
Set One Faces - Children.jpg - width=1182 height=1438
Set Two Faces - Children.jpg - width=1182 height=1438
Set One Faces - Toddlers.jpg - width=1182 height=1438
Set Two Faces - Toddlers.jpg - width=1182 height=1438
Babies.jpg - width=1582 height=1357
Cashew (S2) - Toddler.jpg - width=1484 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Child.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Teen Male.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Teen Male Fit.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Teen Male Fat.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Teen Female.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Teen Female Fit.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Teen Female Fat.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Adult Male.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Adult Male Fit.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Adult Male Fat.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Adult Female.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Adult Female Fit.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Adult Female Fat.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Elder Female.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Elder Female Fit.jpg - width=935 height=744
Vanilla (S1) - Elder Female Fat.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Elder Male.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Elder Male Fit.jpg - width=935 height=744
Cashew (S2) - Elder Male Fat.jpg - width=935 height=744
Child Torso.jpg - width=1320 height=700
Teen Fat Male and Female.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Teen Female Normal and Fit.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Teen Male Normal and Fit.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Adult Fat Male and Female.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Adult Female Normal and Fit.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Adult Male Normal and Fit.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Elder Fat Male and Female.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Elder Female Normal and Fit.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Elder Male Normal and Fit.jpg - width=1320 height=1400
Faces Set One.jpg - width=868 height=747
Faces Set Two.jpg - width=868 height=747
Swatch.jpg - width=1011 height=1024
Set One Bodies.jpg - width=1400 height=598
Set Two Bodies.jpg - width=1400 height=598
Fixed Faces.jpg - width=1144 height=1407

10.2.14: Oops, looks like I originally gave Lobster a powerful genetic value of .5 rather than .05. I've replaced the old file with a new, fixed file with the proper genetics. Thanks again to another kind user who informed me of this.
9.20.14: I was kindly informed of a flaw in Milkyway's neckline, as the face was a different color than the body. This has been fixed, along with a similar problem in Pinecone. I have updated Milkway, Pinecone, and the Defaults, so please see the new attached image of the fixes and redownload those files. The other screenshots have not changed, so they still show the discoloration. I am so sorry for this oversight of mine and any inconvenience it causes. NOTE: The scalps have strange highlights on them because of the bald hairstyle, not because of my scalp textures.
WARNING: These skins are the manifestation of an undiagnosed case of OCD, more correctly known as CDO. Please note that the attention to detail and desire to have each age group look unique bloated the size of the files. While most creators keep their skin file size reasonable by having age groups share textures, these skins were not created so. They are roughly 8-12 MB each, so know that you have been warned in case your game loads slower or your hard drive cries if you download these.
The Vision
I've often longed for detailed Maxis match skins that have the unique textures for age groups that Maxis' original skins had. I loved the handpainted look of skins by talented creators like HystericalParoxysm and AlfredAskew. But I like seeing my Sims change through their lives. Sure, you could plaster your Sims with makeup that makes them look older, or you can embark on a three month project to make twenty skins to suit your needs. That's what I did, and in case anyone else is interested in such skins, I've decided to share the fruits of my love of labor—er, labor of love.

The Skins

I chose Vanilla, Cashew, Roasted Almond, and Pinecone as the default skintones. And by the way, these skins are barbie below the waist (no genitals) but females all have nipples. All of the skins are just recolors, so what you see on Vanilla and Cashew is what you'll see on all of them.
About Genetics
All custom skintones have been enabled for townies and are geneticized. The thumbnails to the skins show the genetic value I assigned to them. (They're also sorted by genetic value.) If you want to change the values or disable them for townies, it's very easy with a bit of familiarity with SimPE!
Here's a quick run-down of what you have to do. This assumes you have basic understanding of editing packages in SimPE.
1. Open the skintone package in SimPE.
2. In the Resource Tree, select Skintone XML
3. Only one resource should show up. Bring it into the Plugin View.
4. To townie-enable a skintone, select Flags and change it to end in a 0. To disable it for townies, select Flags and change the number to end in an 8.
5. You can alter genetics on a wide range. I suggest reading the tutorial I linked to in order to understand more if you're not familiar with how genetics work in Sims. I enabled my skins on a range from .01 to .99. Make sure to use a decimal point if you want the skin to work as an in-between shade! If you want them to have the default custom skin value, just change the genetic value to 0.
6. Commit then save, because you're done!
Mistakes Happen
These skins are far from perfect. That's why they're called Imperfection.

If Default Replacements Cause Strange Discoloration on the Head
Side effects of default replacement skintones may include: humorous, horrific, or simply peculiar discoloration of a Sim's head. If your Sims suffer from one or more of these symptoms, consult your local mirror immediately to Change Appearance. This should refresh the Sim's face and they should now have their appropriate face again.
Recommended Downloads
I made a quick fix so teens with custom skins can still break out into acne. This fix should work with all default replacements of the zits, but there's a catch. It refers them to use the S2 texture, so alien or rainbow skins will have pinkish zits, not the green ones default aliens previously used. I don't play with supernaturals, really, so it wasn't a biggie to me. If you'd like the fix, grab it from my Dropbox here.
As always, my policy is to welcome recolors or any salvaging of my textures for personal or public use and distribution. Go ahead, it's all for a game in the end!

CREDITS: The teeth are by Rensim, found here. Thanks for letting others use your textures, if you ever see this!

CC used in the screenshots:
The green wall is by dimsim78, I believe. Just not sure from which set, ha, ha.
Most models have Maxis hair. But some are using hairs by Nouk, such as the braids and the afro, and Trapping and Nymphy's curls. And the babies are sporting some sweet 'dos by Theraven at moonlightdragon.freeforums (registration required), where she's made both default and custom baby hairs.
Their eyes are from my Natural Elements set.
They aren't wearing any makeup or facial or body effects. Because I didn't trust myself to remember to censor them properly, they are wearing some swimsuits I made especially for these uploads. Hope they don't block too many of the details!
Some of the models are my 3to2 conversions of Sims by Lunararc, used with his permission (thank you!). In particular, the male Cashew is Fadil Gorkem, the female Vanilla is Amy Spencer, and the female Peachy is Nina Clark. And yes, it was fun writing all of that.

I also used Radiance Lighting by dDefinder (originally by Gunmod). It's purty.
Additional Credits:
Maxis/EA for the fantastic Sims 2 that we all love modding so much.
Mod the Sims for hosting my stuff for free.
Covidophile2's tutorial on using SimPE to create skintones.
SimPE and its creators.
Corel Paintshop Pro X6.
DJFade, for The Compressorizer.
Thanks too to the creators of Sim Blender and InTeen. Their features made it so much easier to get the Sims dressed appropriately and have instant babies.
And a big special thank you to the folks who encouraged me to make these skins the best I could. Special thanks to Lastgale, lidiqnata, Jo, and CatherineTCJD for their support and advice.

Uploaded: 12th Nov 2014, 9.44 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 33.18 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 9.85 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 7.04 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 7.40 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 7.81 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 5.79 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 5.47 MB.
Uploaded: 19th Sep 2014, 5.30 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 12th Jul 2016 at 12:23 AM - personal pick
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by SleepyTabby 3rd Oct 2014 at 10:53am
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About Me
If you ever do use any of my stuff as a basis for your own, I'd love to hear from you, just to check it out. You can either PM me or leave a comment in one of my uploads. But you don't have to get permission from me to post anything; consider permission already granted.