Simmersarah custom traits updated for Cat and Dogs
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In gane
"Anonymous asked: Are you going to update the Custom Trait Pack? Believe it broke with the Nov 7 patch, not sure though
Unfortunately no, because I don’t actually have the latest patch and I’m focusing on college. BUT if anybody wants to update the traits and credit me, they’re very welcome to
1 week ago with 1 note"

In personal update, i am being not very active lately, i had some traits in work but still i dont founded the motivation for finish them, now with Football World Cup and the Season release at less a month i not plan do alot even play maybe until July.
If something get broken with Season patch i plan fix it soon i can.

I make the own post for handly trait so i will delete it from here. Now i not touch this post unless i do something related SimmerSarah traits. All my version from SimmerSarah trait will be in own post less Photografer´s Eye with is too simple for had own threat.

I made one small update to Handy trait, now get one +1 happy buff when fixing things.
I almost finish the Computer Whiz trait, only need translate the texts and the Workholic trait need only some more test and be translated. I will post it "soon". I am working too in other traits and if someone had more ideas could be great because mainwhile i had some always is good hear from others.
Check this: i post some plans i for traits i am working or planing.

I fix my alternative Photographer´s Eye, the changes was so simple i dont even test in game and like i am testing other trait i think the broken trait i seeing no was Photographer´s Eye. Well now all must ok, i test in game and show ok, sorry for the troubles.
Update 18/12/2017
I am uploading here my Handy Custom Trait based in SimmerSarah´s. Not sure if make own threat or no, mainwhile i will post here.
These Sims are equipped with a hammer and wrench! They are excellent for updating and repairing objects, and benefit from increased skill gain from Handiness Skill and Rocket Science. Handy Sims also benefit from a professional boost in the career of Astronaut and teen in Manual Labor.
Work on a Rocketship
Become Focused
Buy a Pumpkin Carving Station
Woodworking Table
Carve a Pumpkin
Upgrade an Object
Upgrade a Warming Lamp to be Fire Safe
Upgrade a Hot Tub with a Stere
Upgrade a Hot Tub to be Unbreakable
Salvage Parts
Repair an Object
Level up in Handiness Skil
Give Repair Tips to Someone
Craft an Instrument
Craft an End Table
Craft a Wall Shelf
Craft a Wall Hanging
Craft a Tub
Craft a Toilet
Craft a Sculpture
Craft a Piece of Furniture
Craft a Mirror
Craft a Garden Pot
Craft a Garden Planter
Craft a Chair
Craft a Camping Mascot
Upgrade Rocket Defense System
Upgrade Rocket Fuel Tank
Upgrade Rocket with a Landing Computer
Upgrade Rocket with More Cargo Space
Upgrade Rocket with Stabilizers
Upgrade Rocket with Thrusters
Work on a Rocket for an hour
Increceded rate from skill growing:
50% Handiness Skill.
20% Rocket Science Skill.
Rised performace on jobs:
50% Career Performance Astronaut
50% Career_Performance Teen Manual Labor
Spanish and Enghish by me.
I am testing Workholic and Computer Whiz, there are more complex and need more test more before release because i added custom buffs when finish i will post in own threat. I am working too in Hopeless Romantic with custom buff and is almost sure i will made "alternative" versions of all the SimmerSarah Custom Traits and other s which are still WIP.
Update 18/12/2017
I am uploading here one "alternative" file of the Photographer´s Eye.
The same whimps the original.
Photography skill rise 30% faster.
Take higher quality photographs. ( not sure if will work ).
The changes are too little so dont worth own treat. Use only one.
Spanish by me, Portuguese Brazilian by Hayran and Russian language by Liu59
Update 16/12/2017
Delete all not related with SimmerSarah Custom traits, ever my test files. I will updaload in own threat my Improved Custom Traits, here only will focus in the SimmerSarah´s Custom Trait. Sorry for the problems what this cause.
Update 08/12/2017 By request added the 12 SimmerSarah Custom Trait pack like standalone. All a translated to Spanish by Edespino, Portuguese Brazilian by Hayran and Russian by Lui59
Update 03/12/2017 After thinking i make my mind and i am updating for fix some bug which the original SimmerSarah strings for the pack of 12 traits had. I already fixed with Spanish, Portuguese Brazilian and Russian but English and the other language still had. The main bug is the Angler description which no is the correct, well i correct that now and other excess of string which could make dont show the correct text. If you dont had noticed or care dont download again.
Update 02/12/2017 Added Russian language by Liu59.
Update 29/11/2017 Update one really small thing with Spanish Language dont need re-download if dont care ( sorry, sometimes i am too perfectionist )
Update 27/11/2017 By Hayran sugestion i added the Portuguese Brazilian translation to main files so now all the files are translate to Spanish and Portuguese Brazilian ( by Hayran ). If found some problem please report it.
Update 26/11/2017 Was reported the trait dont show in gane, i upload screenshots in game were all show in game, only Social Butterfly is broken now i will fix it and upload it once is done. Edit: I upload the fixed Social Butterfly file, now all the traits show in game ( see the screeshots ).
Update 26/11/2017 Add Spanish translation to the Pack of 12 traits, Space Enthusiast trait and Social Butter Fly trait. Revised translation to Vain trait and one new file with all the traits translate to Portuguese Brazilian by Hayran
Update 24/11/2017 Add Spanish translation to Vain Trait. I will add the translation to Spanish to other too along the day.
Update 23/11/2017: I fixed the Vain Trait, must show now in live mode. Thank to pixelize for the report. I did one quick check and seen others work fine, anyway if something if broken tell me for fix it.
The Sims 4 Vain Custom Trait by SimmerSarah
Description: These Sims are the most beautiful Sims in the world, at least in their own eyes. They love admiring themselves in the mirror and taking selfies. Vain Sims often want to spend time working out to maintain their physique, freshening up in the mirror or playing with makeup.
Permanent Buff: Looking Good! (+2 Confident) “Your Sim is attractive and they know it.”
Take A Selfie
Freshen Up in the Mirror
Admire Yourself in the Mirror
Show Off Muscles to Someone
Play With Makeup
Work Out on a Workout Machine
Run on a Treadmill
Take a Shower
Take a Mud Bath
Take a Bath
The Sims 4 Space Enthusiast Custom Trait by SimmerSarah
Description: These Sims are obsessed with everything to do with space! They love to observe the stars, explore the universe and learn all there is to know about alien life. Space Enthusiasts gain the Rocket Science and Logic skills faster than other Sims, and benefit from a boost to the Astronaut and Scientist careers.
Go on a Rocketship Mission
Upgrade Rocket Defense System
Upgrade Rocket Fuel Tank
End a Rocket Mission Safely
Upgrade Rocket with a Landing Computer
Upgrade Rocket with More Cargo Space
Upgrade Rocket with Stabilizers
Upgrade Rocket with Thrusters
Work on a Rocket for an hour
Level up in Rocket Science Skill
Work on a Rocket While Focused
Collect a New Alien Species
Buy an Observatory
Use the Observatory
Collect a New Space Rock
Collect a New Space Print
The Sims 4 Social Butterfly Custom Trait by SimmerSarah
Description: These Sims love to socialise! They enjoy meeting new people, chatting with friends and checking their social media. Social Butterflies want as many friends and followers as possible! They gain the Charisma and Comedy skills faster than other Sims, and benefit from a boost to the Social Media career. Social Butterflies improve relationships at an increased rate but their Social need decays faster than other Sims.
Gain 10 New Online Followers
Gain 50 New Online Followers
Become Confident
Meet Someone New
Chat with Someone
Chat with Someone while Confident
Chat with a Sim
Tell a Joke
Call Someone on the Phone
Make a Friend
Be Funny with a Sim
Become Good Friends with a Sim
Become Best Friends with a Sim
Become Friends with a Sim
Be Friendly with a Sim
Pack with 12 Custom Traits.
Hopeless Romantic: These Sims dream of finding “the one”. They are devoted partners and will never want to flirt with sims other than their romantic interest. Hopeless Romantics enjoy being around the one they love, benefiting from an increased romantic relationship gain.
Natural Cook: These Sims are natural cooks! They can learn the cooking and baking skills faster than other Sims and can easily make higher quality food. Natural Cooks also benefit from a boost to the Culinary career.
Handy: These Sims are gifted with a hammer and wrench! They are great at upgrading and repairing objects, and benefit from an increased Handiness skill gain. Handy Sims also benefit from a career boost to the Astronaut career.
Natural Born Performer: These Sims were born to be on stage! They love performing comedy, playing music, singing and dancing. Natural Born Performers learn Charisma, Comedy, Dancing and music skills faster than other sims. They also benefit from a boost to the Entertainer career.
Computer Whiz: These Sims are tech geniuses! They love programming and playing video games. A computer whiz’s savvy tech knowledge gives them an increased programming and video gaming skill gain and a boost to the Tech Guru career.
Nurturing: These Sims love caring for babies, toddlers and children! They often want to buy new toys and spend time with their children. Nurturing sims also benefit from a performance boost to the Babysitter career.
Workaholic: These Sims are dedicated workers. They always aim for a promotion and never want to take a vacation day! Teens with this trait will aim for high grades at school and want to complete homework and extra credit assignments. Workaholics benefit from a boost to all career performance gain.
Green Thumb: These Sims love plants and enjoy spending time tending their garden! Their green thumb makes them natural gardeners, giving them an increase to the gardening and herbalism skills.
Photographer’s Eye: These Sims see life through the lens of a camera. They love taking photographs and can always be found with a camera in hand. Sims with a Photographer’s Eye benefit from an increased photography skill gain and take higher quality photographs.
Animal Lover: These Sims love all kinds of animals. They enjoy collecting new frogs, insects and fish to add to their growing collection of pets. Animal Lovers benefit from an increased fishing skill gain.
Socially Awkward: These Sims constantly struggle with social interactions and prefer to be alone. Socially Awkward sims have a hard time building relationships and have a decreased Charisma and Comedy skill gain.
Angler: These Sims make great fishermen! They love fishing and strive to catch the biggest and best fish. Anglers benefit from an increased gain to the fishing skill and often catch higher quality fish.
Additional Credits:
Simmersarah who create the traits
Sim 4 Studio.
Scarlet for update to Cat and Dogs tutorial
| Vain Trait. Added Spanish and Portuguese Brazilian ( by Hayran ) Language. Added Russian language by Liu59
Uploaded: 1st Jun 2018, 4.6 KB.
| Space Enthusiast Trait. Added Spanish and Portuguese Brazilian ( by Hayran ) Language. Added Russian language by Liu59. Added French language by Cinthila
Uploaded: 1st Jun 2018, 3.4 KB.
| Socialbutterfly Trait. Added Spanish and Portuguese Brazilian ( by Hayran ) Language. Fixed and now showing in game ( with screenshot ). Added Russian language by Liu59. Added French language by Cinthila
Uploaded: 1st Jun 2018, 3.9 KB.
| Pack with 12 Traits. Added Spanish and Portuguese Brazilian ( by Hayran ) Language. Added Russian language by Liu59. Fixed the angler description and remove the excess of strings. Added French language by Cinthila
Uploaded: 1st Jun 2018, 31.7 KB.
| One quick altervanive of SimmerSarah Photographer's Eye with skilling building. Spanish by me, Portuguese Brazilian by Hayran and Russian language by Liu59. Fixed
Uploaded: 19th Dec 2017, 3.0 KB.
| Workaholic: These Sims are dedicated workers. They always aim for a promotion and never want to take a vacation day! Teens with this trait will aim for high grades at school and want to complete homework and extra credit assignments. Workaholics benefit f
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 3.1 KB.
| Socially Awkward: These Sims constantly struggle with social interactions and prefer to be alone. Socially Awkward sims have a hard time building relationships and have a decreased Charisma and Comedy skill gain.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 2.8 KB.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 3.1 KB.
| Nurturing: These Sims love caring for babies, toddlers and children! They often want to buy new toys and spend time with their children. Nurturing sims also benefit from a performance boost to the Babysitter career.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 3.4 KB.
| Natural Cook: These Sims are natural cooks! They can learn the cooking and baking skills faster than other Sims and can easily make higher quality food. Natural Cooks also benefit from a boost to the Culinary career.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 3.0 KB.
| Natural Born Performer: These Sims were born to be on stage! They love performing comedy, playing music, singing and dancing. Natural Born Performers learn Charisma, Comedy, Dancing and music skills faster than other sims. They also benefit from a boost t
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 3.4 KB.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 3.3 KB.
| Handy: These Sims are gifted with a hammer and wrench! They are great at upgrading and repairing objects, and benefit from an increased Handiness skill gain. Handy Sims also benefit from a career boost to the Astronaut career.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 2.9 KB.
| Green Thumb: These Sims love plants and enjoy spending time tending their garden! Their green thumb makes them natural gardeners, giving them an increase to the gardening and herbalism skills.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 2.8 KB.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 3.1 KB.
| Animal Lover: These Sims love all kinds of animals. They enjoy collecting new frogs, insects and fish to add to their growing collection of pets. Animal Lovers benefit from an increased fishing skill gain.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 2.9 KB.
| Angler: These Sims make great fishermen! They love fishing and strive to catch the biggest and best fish. Anglers benefit from an increased gain to the fishing skill and often catch higher quality fish.
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2017, 2.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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