riv-rel-itchio.png - width=630 height=500
commands1.png - width=775 height=451
commands2.png - width=663 height=423
defn.png - width=1078 height=391
json1.png - width=829 height=414
json2.png - width=603 height=344
mod_desc.png - width=321 height=447
riv_auto.png - width=327 height=323
notif on load.png - width=320 height=253
riv_rel_dot_sim.png - width=1144 height=509
10-28-20_3-05-15 PM.png - width=1920 height=1080
10-28-20_3-14-04.png - width=909 height=260
10-14-20_3-03-06 PM.png - width=1920 height=1080
10-14-20_7-02-32 PM.png - width=1920 height=1080
10-14-20_7-29-15 PM.png - width=1920 height=1080
riv_get_ancestors.png - width=898 height=739
shows the output of riv_get_ancestors
riv_rel direct rels.png - width=911 height=731
shows the output of riv_rel for a few close direct relatives
riv_show_relbits - riv_get_sib_strength - riv_get_parents - labelled.png - width=912 height=768
shows the output of riv_show_relbits, riv_get_sib_strength for two full siblings, and riv_get_parents for each of these siblings
riv_rel distant rels.png - width=1094 height=1079
shows the output of riv_rel for a variety of different relations
11-05-20_3-30-24 PM.png - width=442 height=598
11-05-20_3-29-42 PM.png - width=1920 height=1080