[Update] Bigfoot full Skintone (+ Ju-Beos Mesh Linked)
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I always wanted to make a fully functional bigfoot, since the limitation of only two outfits (one of which is naked, haha) was very depressing, and I also wanted different hairstyles and beards. In the end, I still decided and adapted the texture of the bigfoot body to a full-fledged skin tone, I had to tinker with Mudbox, since in some places the UVW was very different, and in some places I just had to make a lot of small edits. Now this is my favorite skin tone, as the facial features are very expressive. This skin looks especially good on Ju-Beos mens muscular meshes, as well as with these eyebrows.
For the test, I created a large family of Bigfoots, I really like the result.
I also used it in Castaway Stories, it's a pleasure to play such a character!
Interestingly, when you combine this skin with alien traits, you get very interesting alien monkeys.
Note: Unfortunately, upon close examination, on some genders / ages, you can see a thin line on the neck (UVW seam), unfortunately I noticed it late and then I was already very tired, so I did not correct it. This is mainly a problem with the original UVW, since the texture of the back and front of the neck is the same, it is difficult to trim it so that there are no seams on either side. However, during normal gameplay, no seams are visible.
Many thanks to Marvine for the tutorial and the meshes on MTS (& BeosBoxBoy).
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2021, 3.13 MB.
Uploaded: 10th Nov 2021, 3.06 MB.
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