Bugs: FT Career; PT Career; Uni Major and More!

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The Backstory:
Once upon a time a sim was born. His proud parents named him Barry and he did normal baby things until the day he grew to a toddler. His first Wants included all the usual: Learn to Talk, Be Snuggled, Be Played With, but Barry also Wanted to Hunt Bugs. Even before he could walk, talk, or use a potty he wanted to get out there and Hunt Those Bugs. His parents decided this was just a “phase” he was going through, bought him some sheets decorated with ladybugs and forgot about it. But Barry didn’t. When he grew to a child his Want to Hunt Bugs returned and never left. Sometimes after he fulfilled it, it would roll back up again. Barry also Wanted to Catch Butterflies and Fireflies, so for most of his childhood 75% of his Wants involved bugs. Barry was so obsessed with bugs that his parents - and I - started to feel guilty about how little bug-related content there was for him to enjoy. As a result I started working on this lifestyle project for Bug Lovers like Barry. It involves several different things so I’ve broken it down into sections with more details for each below the list.

The Stuff:
  1. Bug Scouts: an after-school group for bug loving teens
  2. Entomology major: a University major for bug loving college students
  3. Entomology Career: a full-time career for bug loving adults
  4. Bug Club: a bug loving activity for sims of all ages. Important: this is not my creation but a suggestion and link to the Social Bug Hunting mod by Pick’N’Mix Sims so that one of your sims can host a neighborhood Bug Club meeting
  5. Greeting Cards: Someone in Bug Club catch a really cool spider? Show them you care and send them a card from our Bug Collection. Important: you will need the amazing postal system by MogHughson to send these cards to other sims
  6. Bug related content by other creators. Need stuff to decorate your room? Here's a place to start
  7. Technical stuff

1. Bug Scouts
A part-time career meant to be an after school activity for teens. Each level has chance cards. There are no uniforms and the first two levels are unpaid because being a Bug Scout is a privilege, not a job. There is a salary at Level 3. If your teen completes all three levels and chooses not to go to University they will be ready to move on to Level 1 of the adult career.

Bug Scout Chance Cards
FYI: “$Me” will show up in-game as the name of your sim. All chance cards are written for both male and female sims, but I’ve only shown the female option here because otherwise they’re the same.

2. Entomology major
A new major for University that will teach your sims all they need to know in order to start the full-time Entomology career at Level 5. At graduation they will also have enough mechanical skills to safely harvest wild bees using Sun & Moon's Beekeeping Mod "Buzzin' About" (minimum mechanical level 5 to avoid being stung).

3. Entomology Career
A full-time career for the true bug lover. All ten levels have chance cards and each has a uniform and vehicle assigned. Most of the specifics are hidden under the spoiler tag, but Level 9 is a little different so even if you don’t want the other details I suggest you check this small spoiler:

General career notes: Each title includes the level # so you will know where your sim is on the Entomology Career Ladder. The career reward is the teleprompter because it seemed to fit best with the Level 10 job.

Also, it’s always bugged (ha! joke!) me that sims don’t seem to eat or use the bathroom while they’re at work so in this career they will not come home starving and running for the bathroom. They will also gain a little fun and social for most levels because what’s more fun than hanging out with bugs?

FT career chance cards
FYI: “$Me” will show up in-game as the name of your sim. All chance cards are written for both male and female sims, but I’ve only shown the female option here because otherwise they’re the same.

4. Bug Club
First, you should read all about Pick'N'Mix's amazing Social Bug Hunting mod. Using that mod your sims can swap bugs if they find duplicates and host a bug club meeting for sims of all ages. For ultimate control of your bug hunters you can temporarily turn off free will and/or max their motives. This will stop them from getting distracted by shiny things. Afterwards, why not order a pizza and discuss the days hunting?

5. Greeting Cards
Important: you will need MogHughson Postal System to actually mail these cards. There are four cards (see picture) and they can be purchased through her system and sent to any of your bug loving friends. Your sim can find them under the Friendship subsection of the card display. A collection file is included so even if you don't use the postal system you can still decorate your room with cards. The cards themselves do not show up in the catalog, only in the collection. If you prefer you can delete the collection file and the cards will only be available to sims who have purchased them.

6. Bug Related Content
There is a ton of bug themed content out there (most of it butterfly related), but here’s a few things to get you started. If you know of any more - especially if it isn't butterfly related - please let me know!
  • Cassandre: Butterfly Wall Deco and the Butterfly Study (includes a lot of butterfly deco)
  • Glo-worm Social Jar by Jacky93sims To be honest, my sims got a little too obsessed with this jar, but it’s still adorable!
  • Butterfly terrariums and a Gothique Spider by delonariel
  • Lovely butterfly displays by PineappleForest
  • Butterfly wall decor by Keoni
  • Butterflies for your yard by Jennisims
  • Butterfly recolors of the IKEA poppy by ZeroDark halfway down the page
  • Butterfly specimen’s from Gryning
  • Butterfly specimen cases from amovitasims
  • Butterflies and moths on the Butterfly Wall Crawler mesh by creesims
  • Modernized 3t2 ant farm by honeywell

7. Technical stuff
I have been working on this project for a very long time. Very long. Embarrassingly long. I’ve tested it all kinds of ways and played through it with my own sims, but if you notice anything wrong or weird please let me know so that I can fix it! I've also tried to balance both careers and the major so they're important but it isn't impossible for sims who want to skip straight to the F/T career. If you think the balance needs tweaking let me know! I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Everything I made was made with the UC

Note: for the purpose of this upload I’ve used the word “bug” to include everything from spiders to moths. It’s not scientific, but it’s easier and my sims don’t mind.
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