Brave Birds :: FOY - Cool Bird Sim
BL_BraveBirds_Foy_Thumb.jpg - width=325 height=225
Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
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Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
BL_BraveBirds_Foy_Pic2.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
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Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
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Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
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Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
BL_BraveBirds_Foy_Pic6.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
BL_BraveBirds_Foy_Pic7.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim
BL_BraveBirds_Foy_GroupPic.jpg - width=1920 height=1080
Group pic of my 4 Bird Sims - Including Foy
BGcompatibleSims.jpg - width=1488 height=768
All 4 birds - Simplified version - Maxis hair - No meshes
Brave Birds :: FOY - Cool Adult Male Bird Sim
FOY (/said F-w-ah, like former city of Sainte-Foy) - BIRD SIM
Foy is a cool bird. Fast to react, a bird of action. Resourceful, if he doesn't know what to do, he will usually find out. He makes things happen. Sometimes bad things, let them come. He's ready.
Adult male;
FACE : Audacious face sculpt, very special;
BODY : Normal sim body with special clothes, accessories and other textures;
BREEDING : Please don't;
OLD AGE : He can get to Elder age, and once an Elder, he still looks similar. The feathered Bird Sim skintone covers all ages and is of a different color for each gender; younger ages may vary in color as well.
SUGGESTED SIGN : Gemini or Leo;
FOY was not part of the old project. He is loosely inspired from a red bird named Gumi. You can look for Gumi on the internet, he is quite entertaining.
- Their toes don't look perfect
The more I tried to fix them, the worse they got, so I went back to a version that worked, without being HDTV perfect. They are what they are. If you can't deal with those toes, there's tons of other pretty sims out there;
- We can't breed them
Technically, we can, it's just a bad idea. Even if you only breed them with other Bird Sims, the game doesn't keep 100% Bird features in their faces for the next generations. Breeding them will give monster kids who will grow into monster adults. You will be stuck with 50+ generations of abnormal, unrealistic sims, who don't look like Birds either. PLEASE DO NOT BREED MY BIRDS!

- They look terrible without their feathers
Please install his special Bird Sim skintone!! This is very important. Otherwise he will look like Pic #6 (in the bin). Don't do this to any of my Bird Sims. They deserve their dignity. They belong with their feathers.
- He is not alone of his kind, he has Amon, Baba and Laurie
All four birds are available now! You can decide their roles in each other's life.
- Some of the accessories might flash blue at first
When you run the game for the first time, and sometimes when you load a Lot, some of the accessories might flash blue. If you send your sim to a mirror, then (remove/wear again) the faulty accessories in the mirror's menu, it should be fine afterwards.
- Creators
You may be tempted to make recolors and distribute more birds. Please do, I was gonna make an entire population of them, and I lack the time. Be kind and link back to me and my 4 original birds as the ones that started it all (if it ever becomes something! lol).

I added a lesser version of each of my Bird Sims with Maxis Hair, no meshes, and for this version I redid the clothes to a simplified version (AF/AM-only, no more YA). Less bells and whistles, more compatibility with newer systems and with the UC version of the game.
FOY comes with a few items :
- All the required textures are on the sim, as usual;
- All the required meshes are in a folder joined in the Zip;
----- Mesh for the Scarf;
----- Mesh for the Wing Ears;
----- Mesh for the Wings;
----- Mesh for his Hairstyle;
----- NO MESH NEEDED for the clothes.
- And I made and joined 2 more clothing outfits, special for him, including :
----- One barefoot Short, which can be worn as Underwear or Swimwear; and
----- One Set of barefoot PJs, which can be worn as Casual, Sleepwear, Underwear and Sportswear.
Please install all the joined meshes and textures to make sure nothing is broken on him.
Everything is included with the sim!
Credits Credits Credits Credits
Credits Credits Credits Credits
Credits Credits Credits Credits
Everything is included! Nothing else to download! :D
BIRD SIM SKINTONE - Foy / Laurie DuoTone Skintone with Feathers - in Red for Foy
EYE COLOR - Bird Eye - Latte
WINGS TEXTURE - BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_WingsYAAE-M_Full_RedGreenYellow
NECK TEXTURE - BillieLith_BirdSims_Baba_NeckExtraFluff_Red
EARS TEXTURE - BillieLith_BirdSims_Baba_EarWings_Red
CLOTHES - BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_ClothesYAAM_FullArmor_CasualFormalOuterwearSports_BWBrown
EXTRA CLOTHES - for Foy : 1 Short + 1 Casual / Sleepwear. Both outfits are barefoot.
BROWS, none.
MAKE UP, none.
HAIR TEXTURE - Almighty Hat - Some kind of Clerk (scroll down to half the page) - Pooklet colors and textures - Original by Peggy Oct 09 - on this sim in Comburent
HAIR MESH - Peggy Oct 09 - (website is down, mesh is joined to this upload)
WINGS MESH - MESH_SynapticSim_HarpyAccAMBFeathers
NECK MESH - myos_muffler_mesh (website is down, mesh is joined to this upload)
EARS MESH - wing-ear-ace_01 or 02 (can't find them, meshes are joined to this upload)
All the required content is already on the sim or joined in the Zip.
The credits are listed because it is a requirement and a sign of respect to the creators who kindly share their content to make our creations better!
That's it!

Thanks for your interest and enjoy FOY!

The others are all ready and available (4 in total at this point).
We have new Bird Sims in the game now!!

Filename | Type | Size |
BillieLith_BraveBirds_Birdsims_Foy in Full Armor + | zip | |
Foy in Full Armor.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 14662765 |
213a84a1_629c44fa.package | package | 355071 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_NeckExtraFluff_Red.package | package | 74710 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Eyes_DarkOnes_Latte.package | package | 14024 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_EarWings_Red.package | package | 109062 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_WingsYAAE-M_Full_RedGreenYellow.package | package | 137385 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_FoyLaurie_Skintone.package | package | 5476796 |
[Almighty Hat] (Peggy Oct09) 03 Comburent.package | package | 534322 |
Peggy_Mh091001_mesh.package | package | 860135 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_ClothesYAAM_FullArmor_CasualFormalOuterwearSports_BWBrown.package | package | 126133 |
dc0fd099af47c9493646a778dd7e3c01.package | package | 6970232 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_ClothesYAAM_HamsterTee_CasualSleepUWSports_BrownShort.package | package | 44606 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Foy_ClothesYAAM_Short_SwimUWSleep_Brown.package | package | 17586 |
MESH_SynapticSim_HarpyAccAMBFeathers.package | package | 269917 |
dsb_PwingearaccesoryMesh.package | package | 38950 |
dsb_wingearaccesoryMesh.package | package | 115693 |
dsb_PwingearMesh02.package | package | 38732 |
dsb_wingear02Mesh.package | package | 115553 |
Peggy_Mh091001_mesh.package | package | 860135 |
myos_muffler_mesh.package | package | 276722 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BillieLith_BraveBirds_Birdsims_Foy_FullArmor_BGcompatibleVersion(MaxisHair-NoMeshes + BG compatible Clothes).zip | zip | |
Foy_BG-compatible.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 12768009 |
adc3ba3f_e8a37647.package | package | 178576 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_Eyes_DarkOnes_Latte.package | package | 14024 |
BillieLith_BirdSims_FoyLaurie_Skintone.package | package | 5476796 |
BillieLith_BraveBirds_BGcompatible_Clothes_FoyFullArmor_AM-CasualFormalAth-blackbrown.package | package | 125885 |
dc0fd099af47c9493646a778dd7e3c01.package | package | 6970232 |
BGcompatibleSims.jpg | jpg | 276610 |
BillieLith_BraveBirds_BGcompatible_Clothes_FoyFullArmor_AM-CasualFormalAth-blackbrown.package | package | 125885 |
BillieLith_BraveBirds_BGcompatible_Clothes_FoyPJHamster_AM-CasualSleepUWAth-bluebrown.package | package | 44516 |
BillieLith_BraveBirds_BGcompatible_Clothes_FoyShort_AM-SwimSleepUW-brown.package | package | 17530 |
The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!
- Meshes of the Wings by SynapticSim
- Hairstyle by Almighty Hat
BillieLith_BraveBirds_Birdsims_Foy_FullArmor_BGcompatibleVersion(MaxisHair-NoMeshes + BG compatible Clothes).zip
| Foy - Simplified version - BaseGame compatible - Maxis hair - No meshes - Some clothes
Uploaded: 28th Feb 2025, 5.81 MB.
BillieLith_BraveBirds_Birdsims_Foy in Full Armor +
| Foy - Cool Male Bird Sim - Everything included
Uploaded: 24th Feb 2025, 8.02 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 28th Feb 2025 at 10:44 PM
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About Me
Exception : Sepia (my first upload), no credit or link necessary
If you wish to repost my sims, ask first.
If the sim is a sim of you, or a character owned by you, you can repost it at will, with credit + link.
If you want to use my content for unrelated projects, ask first.
In any doubt, ask me.