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Ornate, Eclectic, and Swanky
Oh geez, it's 2019.
I didn't do much in 2018. Maybe this year will be better. I have a huge backlog of things I could upload. Who knows! My time management is currently, theoretically rated as -Please see me after class- if I had turned something in to start with.
It seems I have terrible motivation for requests. Sorry about that. But if you wave ideas and photos at me with enough coughs and elbow nudges, I might get a lot out in a few years...
I don't really have strict usage policy, but please don't upload my lots themselves to the Exchange. Though if you'd like to use any of my lots in a world you've created, and want to upload the world to the Exchange, that's fine. Just toss me some credit, and it'll all be good. Throwing me a link to how you've used any of my stuff would also be appreciated. :D
I didn't do much in 2018. Maybe this year will be better. I have a huge backlog of things I could upload. Who knows! My time management is currently, theoretically rated as -Please see me after class- if I had turned something in to start with.
It seems I have terrible motivation for requests. Sorry about that. But if you wave ideas and photos at me with enough coughs and elbow nudges, I might get a lot out in a few years...
I don't really have strict usage policy, but please don't upload my lots themselves to the Exchange. Though if you'd like to use any of my lots in a world you've created, and want to upload the world to the Exchange, that's fine. Just toss me some credit, and it'll all be good. Throwing me a link to how you've used any of my stuff would also be appreciated. :D