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Claire's Creations
Furnishings and decoration for your Sims' homes.
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The Living Grave - A Zombie Bed
by Claireh82 30th Oct 2007 at 7:36pm
The zombie bed, a living grave, your sims can now sleep underground! more...
53 63.3k 121
Bird Alarm Clock for the Simstones Theme
by Claireh82 26th Jul 2006 at 12:34pm
This is a new mesh, it is an alarm clock shaped like a bird over a bell. more...
18 13k 5
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My Creations and Policy
Please enjoy all of my creations, I make meshes, careers, recolors and more.
- You may not clone my meshes without explicit permission, this includes my hacked objects - contact me via PM.
-If you would like to use any of my meshes to recolor yourself, please provide a link to original thread, you may include the mesh with your recolor.
-If you wish to include one of my creations in a lot/house please provide a link to the original thread.
-Always give credit and Never Upload To The Exchange.
- You may not clone my meshes without explicit permission, this includes my hacked objects - contact me via PM.
-If you would like to use any of my meshes to recolor yourself, please provide a link to original thread, you may include the mesh with your recolor.
-If you wish to include one of my creations in a lot/house please provide a link to the original thread.
-Always give credit and Never Upload To The Exchange.