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Poses and Animations 4
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About Me
Hello Everyone.
You can call me Tinu or Tinuleaf. I haven't been active here for a long time but i'm back in the sims community since few weeks. I don't create furnitures (aside from recolor paintings) or clothes. I don't have the skills for it thought I hope I can learn one day. For now I'm specialized in creating poses, sims, making pictures out of it and decorating mostly. I created few content (houses mostly) that you can download on my account here but it's very old. I made it back then when the game was still new...
Aside that, I'm french but I'm living in Germany and I mostly speak english (aside my mother language). Thought I'm aware that my English is far from being perfect because I still learn so sorry in advance for the mistakes I make here and there.
I'm actually in the process of remaking my website DecoCoon but you can visit me at Tumblr for now.
See you around
You can call me Tinu or Tinuleaf. I haven't been active here for a long time but i'm back in the sims community since few weeks. I don't create furnitures (aside from recolor paintings) or clothes. I don't have the skills for it thought I hope I can learn one day. For now I'm specialized in creating poses, sims, making pictures out of it and decorating mostly. I created few content (houses mostly) that you can download on my account here but it's very old. I made it back then when the game was still new...
Aside that, I'm french but I'm living in Germany and I mostly speak english (aside my mother language). Thought I'm aware that my English is far from being perfect because I still learn so sorry in advance for the mistakes I make here and there.
I'm actually in the process of remaking my website DecoCoon but you can visit me at Tumblr for now.
See you around