by lemoncandy 16th Jul 2009 at 1:24am
This is two kinds of patterns based on a three leaf clover shape. more...
6 13.5k 16
Don't leaf home - 6 more patterns
by lemoncandy 15th Jul 2009 at 1:39am
I wasn't all satisfied with my leaf patterns so I decided to make some more, traditional ones. more...
14 17.7k 40
Can't see the forest - 6 leafy patterns
by lemoncandy 6th Jul 2009 at 1:26am
Perhaps your gardening sims will like more plants around the house... more...
14 18k 20
by lemoncandy 5th Jul 2009 at 5:55am
My first attempt at making a custom pattern, this is the traditional "Fleur de lis" design. more...
7 21.8k 25
Don't leaf home - 6 more patterns
by lemoncandy 15th Jul 2009 at 1:39am
I wasn't all satisfied with my leaf patterns so I decided to make some more, traditional ones. more...
14 17.7k 40
by lemoncandy 5th Jul 2009 at 5:55am
My first attempt at making a custom pattern, this is the traditional "Fleur de lis" design. more...
7 21.8k 25
by lemoncandy 16th Jul 2009 at 1:24am
This is two kinds of patterns based on a three leaf clover shape. more...
6 13.5k 16
Can't see the forest - 6 leafy patterns
by lemoncandy 6th Jul 2009 at 1:26am
Perhaps your gardening sims will like more plants around the house... more...
14 18k 20
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I haven't touched any of this work for over a year, so please consider it all as unsupported. I guess most of it won't be working with the game's new expansions and patches. Sorry.