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  • Necromania Reward Trait

    by MissBee updated 12th Aug 2022 at 11:48pm

    Necromaniac sims are fascinated by death and gain positive buffs when around it. more...

    32 32.9k 93


  • Mystic Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:12am

    Mystic sims are more in tune with nature and the energies around them. These sims tend to be calm and balanced, but can occasionally get lost in their own thoughts. more...

    +5 packs 24 40.3k 120


  • Nurturing Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:15am

    Nurturing sims are naturally inclined to take care of others and are most happy when surrounded by children or animals. more...

    +2 packs 34 56.6k 172


  • Tortured Artist Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:18am

    Tortured artists are plagued by intense emotions and a drive to fulfill a creative genius that they can never quite satisfy. more...

    22 32.2k 96


  • Bot Fanatic Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:12am

    Bot fanatics can't get enough of widgets and gadgets. These sims are fascinated by complex robotics and would rather spend time with robots than with people. more...

    +1 packs 12 20.8k 85


Updated Downloads See more Updated
  • Necromania Reward Trait

    by MissBee updated 12th Aug 2022 at 11:48pm

    Necromaniac sims are fascinated by death and gain positive buffs when around it. more...

    32 32.9k 93


  • Shyness Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:22am

    Shy sims have difficulty socializing and expressing themselves with other sims. more...

    29 72k 156


  • Tortured Artist Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:18am

    Tortured artists are plagued by intense emotions and a drive to fulfill a creative genius that they can never quite satisfy. more...

    22 32.2k 96


  • Nurturing Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:15am

    Nurturing sims are naturally inclined to take care of others and are most happy when surrounded by children or animals. more...

    +2 packs 34 56.6k 172


  • Mystic Trait

    by MissBee updated 11th Aug 2022 at 6:12am

    Mystic sims are more in tune with nature and the energies around them. These sims tend to be calm and balanced, but can occasionally get lost in their own thoughts. more...

    +5 packs 24 40.3k 120
