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Lots & Housing 4
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by GothicGyrl 27th Sep 2009 at 10:48pm
Finally! more...
+7 packs
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by GothicGyrl 24th Sep 2009 at 7:18pm
I present to you the Almost Very Brady House. more...
+8 packs
Happy Holiday
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by GothicGyrl 22nd Sep 2009 at 7:44pm
This is a Cottage built Cracker style. more...
+7 packs
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by GothicGyrl 22nd Sep 2009 at 4:44am
This house is a modified Cape Cod Coastal Lighthouse. more...
+7 packs
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
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My Policy
I don't have a special policy, as it were, but as I've ticked off the things most important to me: Use only a free site, if you wish to modify one of my homes and re-upload it, at least give me the credit for the base house. I will try to not include any custom content in my lots, and because of this, all pictures you see that may contain CC, will only be for showing the home. If the CC owner allows link backs, I will include only the link to their location so that you can download the stuff for yourself. I will also state this in the body of my main post.
Just please: Be kind, respect the artist by giving credit where it is due, and don't try to claim my stuff as your own. Other than that, if you can make one of my lots better, go for it. Just tell everyone you got the idea from me. :)
Oh and totally respect the Zmobies! This world would be nothing without them!
As of June 22, 2013: I am still here! I no longer have any Sims 2 stuff as I've migrated to an iMac and now have only Sims 3 stuff. I am busy working on creating some homes for Sims 3 now.
As of 1/21/2011: I am still here! I have NOT abandoned my work here on MTS. I am working on some new things to upload, just have not had the time to upload anything yet. Please do not yellow flag me. :)
Just please: Be kind, respect the artist by giving credit where it is due, and don't try to claim my stuff as your own. Other than that, if you can make one of my lots better, go for it. Just tell everyone you got the idea from me. :)
Oh and totally respect the Zmobies! This world would be nothing without them!
As of June 22, 2013: I am still here! I no longer have any Sims 2 stuff as I've migrated to an iMac and now have only Sims 3 stuff. I am busy working on creating some homes for Sims 3 now.
As of 1/21/2011: I am still here! I have NOT abandoned my work here on MTS. I am working on some new things to upload, just have not had the time to upload anything yet. Please do not yellow flag me. :)