SimFreaks "EXTRA" Stackable Square Portrait Textures
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 9:08pm
Extra textures for the Stackable Square Portraits Pack available on this forum! more...
5 15.8k 4
SimFreaks "Solid Frames" for All Stackables
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:49pm
Requires repository object: Frames for Easel Pictures and Stackable Square Portraits * Frame Textures Only Included more...
2 8.6k 1
SimFreaks "Stackable Square Portraits Pack"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:37pm
Requires repository object: Frames for Easel Pictures A new addition to Stackables, this item only requires the more...
6 20.9k 14
SiMFreaks "Frames for Easel Pictures"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:14pm
Tired of hanging unframed art on your wall. Frame your paintings with this custom frames with matting. more...
17 27k 25
SimFreaks "Madonna of the Goldfinch" Pic
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:07pm
Madonna of the Goldfinch, One of Raphael's early Madonna paintings throught his life. more...
2 9.4k 2
SimFreaks "Levanozo" Desk Chair by Eero
by simfreaks updated 21st Nov 2006 at 11:16pm
"Levanozo" Desk Chair by Eero Freebie Item from the "Levanozo" Bedroom Set. more...
8 17.6k 11
SimFreaks "Madonna of the Goldfinch" Pic
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:07pm
Madonna of the Goldfinch, One of Raphael's early Madonna paintings throught his life. more...
2 9.4k 2
SiMFreaks "Frames for Easel Pictures"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:14pm
Tired of hanging unframed art on your wall. Frame your paintings with this custom frames with matting. more...
17 27k 25
SimFreaks "Stackable Square Portraits Pack"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:37pm
Requires repository object: Frames for Easel Pictures A new addition to Stackables, this item only requires the more...
6 20.9k 14
SimFreaks "Solid Frames" for All Stackables
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:49pm
Requires repository object: Frames for Easel Pictures and Stackable Square Portraits * Frame Textures Only Included more...
2 8.6k 1
SiMFreaks "Frames for Easel Pictures"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:14pm
Tired of hanging unframed art on your wall. Frame your paintings with this custom frames with matting. more...
17 27k 25 7.5k
SimFreaks "Levanozo" Desk Chair by Eero
by simfreaks updated 21st Nov 2006 at 11:16pm
"Levanozo" Desk Chair by Eero Freebie Item from the "Levanozo" Bedroom Set. more...
8 17.6k 11 7.1k
SimFreaks "Museè Royal" - Sunstone
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 4:58am
Aztec artifact. more...
7 20.8k 12 6.9k
SimFreaks "Stackable Square Portraits Pack"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:37pm
Requires repository object: Frames for Easel Pictures A new addition to Stackables, this item only requires the more...
6 20.9k 14 6.3k
SimFreaks "Critical Flower Arrangement"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 3:49am
Fancy designs have been placed into the vase to represent beauty and elegance. No rich sim could ever miss this! more...
2 13.9k 13 4.9k
SiMFreaks "Frames for Easel Pictures"
by simfreaks 17th Nov 2006 at 7:14pm
Tired of hanging unframed art on your wall. Frame your paintings with this custom frames with matting. more...
17 27k 25