About Me:
Deluxe Designers Inc. is now an archive!
UPDATED: January 2015
This profile page was initially set up for the collaborative efforts of Deluxe Designs, Lauralaima and StephSim.
However, with the emergence of The Sims 3 and real life demands, we decided to amicably part ways.
The final collaborative lots will be shared once they are edited for EP-related changes and prepped for uploading. However, this will take a bit of time due to other Sim commitments. There will be a few more posts, to include collaborative Gwrych lots and a few more Stepford lots.
While the Stepford Project will remain available for download, the full Gwrych Project has changed. There will be 2 Gwrych lots posted here on this account to share and honour Lauralaima's contributions to the original concept.
Initially, Gwrych was also meant to be a few collaborative lots. However, it turned into a bit of obsessive medieval madness on StephSim's part. To see what each creator has been up to, be sure to click on their respective links below!
While DDI projects will be no more, the friendships forged will always be a part of who we are!
Thank You for your patience and understanding!
~*~D.D.I. ~*~
Be sure to check out other creations by Deluxe Designers Inc. Members:
Deluxe Designs: http://hideki.modthesims2.com/member/Deluxe+Designs
Lauralaima: http://www.modthesims2.com/creator/lauralaima
StephSim: http://hideki.modthesims2.com/member/StephSim