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Mad Poster
#35376 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 6:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by topp
Now, if only the Sims Stories forum isn't as buried deep in the site...

That and the Sims Medieval can be added to the drop-down lists of the Sims 2 and Sims 3, respectively.
Test Subject
#35377 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 7:04 PM
Is there a way to cheat and assign a secondary aspiration to newly created sims, without ctrl+clicking on their wants until there are enough aspiration points? Googling didn't find any helpful answers
Mad Poster
#35378 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 7:08 PM Last edited by FranH : 14th Feb 2025 at 11:37 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by COMPEWTAUR
Is there a way to cheat and assign a secondary aspiration to newly created sims, without ctrl+clicking on their wants until there are enough aspiration points? Googling didn't find any helpful answers

Yeah, if you have SimPE. You go into their character file and check under free time where the secondary aspiration is.

Pick one. Be sure to hit 'commit' before closing the program.

That's the only other way to do it that I am aware of.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
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#35379 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 7:54 PM
You can assign LTA superpowers with my Tombstone mod. I made it so that it can be done on visitors, which can't access the dialog. It is under the Aspiration menu, done on Me. It respects the points you have accumulated. There is another menu to set the aspiration level and points.
Mad Poster
#35380 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 8:39 PM
I think adult sims directly from CAS are assigned 5 points - at least one of those can be used to give them a secondary aspiration.

Toddlers get 0, child 2, teens 3, YA get 4, and elders 6.
https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Aspiration_bar (under "Lifetime aspiration")
Field Researcher
#35381 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 10:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
That and the Sims Medieval can be added to the drop-down lists of the Sims 2 and Sims 3, respectively.

I would love a re-release of Sims Medieval, my copy got corrupted years ago. Then again, seeing how badly they messed up the Legacy versions it might not be worth it even if it was re-released.
Lab Assistant
#35382 Old Yesterday at 4:52 AM
Does anyone have a copy of Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning by Lientebollemeis?
Mad Poster
#35383 Old Yesterday at 8:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
I would love a re-release of Sims Medieval, my copy got corrupted years ago. Then again, seeing how badly they messed up the Legacy versions it might not be worth it even if it was re-released.

Sims Medieval is still available to buy. https://www.ea.com/en/games/the-sims/the-sims-medieval

And even though it doesn't say it, when I bought it the Pirates and Nobles expansion pack was included.
I want to go out
retired moderator
#35384 Old Yesterday at 1:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MickeyIan
Does anyone have a copy of Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning by Lientebollemeis?

@lientebollemeis Could you help please?

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Field Researcher
#35385 Old Yesterday at 5:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Sims Medieval is still available to buy. https://www.ea.com/en/games/the-sims/the-sims-medieval

And even though it doesn't say it, when I bought it the Pirates and Nobles expansion pack was included.

Thank you! I didn't know it was still available. Can it be played offline or does it need to be through their app?
Mad Poster
#35386 Old Yesterday at 8:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@lientebollemeis Could you help please?

Here is lientebollemeis's folder:

And she can be found here too: https://www.facebook.com/Sims2Idea/
Lab Assistant
#35387 Old Yesterday at 8:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Here is lientebollemeis's folder:

And she can be found here too: https://www.facebook.com/Sims2Idea/

I am unsure if the Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning is the slowerskillgain.zip within SFS.
Mad Poster
#35388 Old Yesterday at 8:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MickeyIan
I am unsure if the Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning is the slowerskillgain.zip within SFS.

I have no idea, to be honest. I just saw her on FB and noticed that there was a link to her folder.
Mad Poster
#35389 Old Yesterday at 8:58 PM
Lab Assistant
#35390 Old Yesterday at 9:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
@Mickeylan - I found this? https://s2idownloads.blogspot.com/2...-of-1-hour.html

Hope it helps.

Guess I will try it.
#35391 Old Yesterday at 10:09 PM
anyone know if there is a mod that allows for scoping of a room w/o needing the 1st kiss? (or sexual orientation set)
Mad Poster
#35392 Old Yesterday at 10:44 PM
The first kiss isn't in any way necessary to get the scoping the room option. Check out a sim - one of each if you don't want to commit the sim yet, though the one point of gender preference it gives you can easily be overwritten - and then you can scope the room. I'm not aware of anything that makes checking out unnecessary.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#35393 Old Yesterday at 11:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
Thank you! I didn't know it was still available. Can it be played offline or does it need to be through their app?

Through the app sadly.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | Simlogical Archives | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#35394 Old Yesterday at 11:47 PM
Blake Yang, the business reporter of the Veronaville Courant, and just about the most obnoxious Sim I have ever met, has just told Josh Anderson that he's giving his new toy shop in Monopolis (Anderson's Toy Emporium ) a bad review. As well as most of his money, Josh has invested a lot himself in this venture. His family are committed to his business too. Can anyone suggest any advice I might give him to retrieve the situation? The prestigious and influential SimCity Chronicle carries Blake Yang's reviews too.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
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Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Mad Poster
#35395 Old Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Dolphin's Business Adjuster can summon/invite him back to try again. https://modthesims.info/d/136990/do...-4-20-2006.html

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | Simlogical Archives | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Lab Assistant
#35396 Old Today at 2:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I nap in my clothes. The only things I'd take off are jackets and shoes.

I remember when I was a teenager my grandma had an issue with me taking a nap or laying under the blanket while wearing clothes. Grandma's hang up regarding wearing clothes under a blanket still baffles me to this day. Grandma was expecting me to take off my clothing just to lay under the blanket but I was not confident enough with my body to sleep without any clothing (I now occasionally sleep without a top on and I did try sleeping completely naked but didn't like that).
#35397 Old Today at 2:28 AM
I always sleep in my clothes. I get cold during sleep without activity, and uncomfortable form touching the bed with my body. Washing clothes is easier than taking the covers off a bed and washing those. It is not even possible with a warm blanket that needs dry cleaning.
Mad Poster
#35398 Old Today at 10:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
anyone know if there is a mod that allows for scoping of a room w/o needing the 1st kiss? (or sexual orientation set)

You need sexual orientation set, otherwise there is no chemistry with anyone to report on. If you want all sims to just be bi, you can do that with ACR or the Sim Blender, IIRC.
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