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Veteran Finn
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#26 Old 2nd Jul 2013 at 5:26 AM

I figured only the Official contests/challenges have such things. This is not an official contest, and I don't think I've seen an unofficial contest have a chat thread, so... You can always log in to the chat to fuss about things? :D
Site Helper
#27 Old 2nd Jul 2013 at 9:08 PM
You could make a social group for Contest Participants and put a chat thread in there?

I agree that I haven't seen any chat threads for unofficial contests, but it seems like a good idea in any contest.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 4:00 AM
This looks really interesting. I've been getting interested with sims building competitions lately. I think I'll try this out. I've use CFE before, but I'm not very familiar with fog emitters. Should I give it a try?
I also love terrain painting and landscaping. Not sure a resort with work with the emitter. Also, can we use private islands or just blank lots. I have a mac so I can't use CAW. :'(

If it is a flat lot, can anyone recommend some custom worlds?
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#29 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 5:30 AM
if a contest mod starts a group for contest participants, or for fussing about contests in general and links me there, I'll post a thread in such group. But I'm not going to go and start one myself.

I'm unfamiliar with the concept of a private island, care to elaborate? I don't have Island paradise.
What comes to flat lots, no, the lot doesn't need to be flat.
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 5:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by armiel
if a contest mod starts a group for contest participants, or for fussing about contests in general and links me there, I'll post a thread in such group. But I'm not going to go and start one myself.

I'm unfamiliar with the concept of a private island, care to elaborate? I don't have Island paradise.
What comes to flat lots, no, the lot doesn't need to be flat.

Armiel, Uncharted Islands are islands that you discover by certain means whether meeting a mermaid or something like traveling by houseboat. here is a list.

I'm thinking of using something like Beryl Shoals or No Trouble Atoll. I wanted to know if we had to use a flat lot and modify it or not. Thanks. You should totally get IP, it's such a great expansion. Great for builders like yourself.
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#31 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 6:04 AM
I see, thanks for the link.

I think it's totally ok to use such private island for this contest, as it's not about sharing your lot, just about building on one.

What comes to getting the EP myself, heck, I haven't built or even launched the game in AGES! So while this EP does seem to have many fancy things, I dunno if I wanna put money on something I'd maybe take a look a couple of times.
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 7:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by armiel
I see, thanks for the link.

I think it's totally ok to use such private island for this contest, as it's not about sharing your lot, just about building on one.

What comes to getting the EP myself, heck, I haven't built or even launched the game in AGES! So while this EP does seem to have many fancy things, I dunno if I wanna put money on something I'd maybe take a look a couple of times.

Did you update? They added a base game ladder, spiral, connecting arch, one step foundations, and stilted foundations. In Island Paradise, there actually is some content that looks JUST like store content. I have store content but I never use it for uploads unless it is a free item. You also can now build like super amazing pools. Diving boards, waterslides, pool fountains, and a pool bars. The ultimate spa with firewalks, fire pits, hot tubs, and a pool. (If you have Sunlit Tides, the sauna and massage table as well!) You can buy it whenever they have a sale. Thanks.
dodgy builder
#33 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 10:03 AM
I'm lurking in the bushes. I see Tee is here as well, perhaps I should be a bad loser and go somewhere else :p

Fogemitters are such fun, you should try it. I would recommend searching for fogemitter codes in google though and download the doc instead. The doc can be searched in, there's just too many codes up to todays exp to look through videos. Download the linked mod from Buckley in Armiels description. Have a sim living on the lot so you can see what the codes do. You can do a lot with them. Create a smelly basement with toxics and fumes, a vulcano, a dangerous cave with lots of traps. I'm just triggering your imagination here.

Don't think I read anything about when this closes? ... or perhaps I should have. Off to fix something else in my world.
Forum Resident
#34 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 11:45 PM Last edited by PlayinSafe : 4th Jul 2013 at 1:55 AM.
A penny saved is worth two in the *bushes*

Just want to ask a few things before the entries come rolling in...

Will editing entry posts be allowed?

Can a person submit more than 1 entry? (ya know, out of sheer desire and desperation for the Armi prize)
ETA: oops- I missed Tee asking the same question^
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#35 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 5:34 AM Last edited by armiel : 4th Jul 2013 at 5:50 AM.
Augh, many things to consider! :D

I'd say editing your post is totally fine until the contest has closed, if it's just fixing an issue on the -post-.

This includes uploading a picture that was forgotten and editing typos.
I don't want to see lots changing after you have uploaded your pics, pics being replaced, description written all over again and stuff like that.

If you DO edit your post, please state on that little box what you did. Mind you, I can always bribe a moderator to check your edits and compare them to the earlier version.

I should probably update this to the main post...

I have added a 'questions and replies' section to the main post, to keep the things in one place and easier to reach.
Test Subject
#36 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 10:20 AM
Hey can I put a house also? Because I am kinda new to MTS? I don't have any qualifications
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#37 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 12:46 PM

the contest is open for EVERYONE, as said on the post.

If you refer to the 'qualification to host'-part right at the top of my post, that's MY qualification to host, that shows I know at least a bit of what -I'm- doing. :D
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
#38 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 5:35 PM

The the ad pic. Does it have to be just one screenshot, or can it be a collage of screenshot, just in one pic?
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
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#39 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 6:27 PM

Yes, it can be a collage of many pictures.
Test Subject
#40 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 9:35 PM
Thanks and also can i be a judge? If you need one more
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#41 Old 5th Jul 2013 at 6:17 AM

thanks, but I have to say no for now. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, it might be better if you completed at least one contest (this or another one) to get familiar with how the contest system works.
Test Subject
#42 Old 5th Jul 2013 at 11:31 AM
It's ok, I wouldnt be a good one anyway i would criticize houses xD
#43 Old 6th Jul 2013 at 5:53 AM

I'm currently working on a lot for this contest, and I'm super excited and motivated... I'm about 40% done with the lot, well, that's a generous 40%... but anywho, I have a question. (Or a related group of questions.)

So just now, as I'm toiling away, I'm like, I could really use some more space... you know, for like dramatic effect. However, I'm already working on a 64x64 "canvas". Would it be possible to include a companion lot? Would it need to meet the requirements as well (CFE, CAST, terrain editing, fog emitter, etc.)? Could it be just supplementary and not judged? Or would be judged with the main lot? Or be judged separately?

As MTS allows for uploading sets of lots, my intention would to be include it as bonus/supplementary content and not to be judged with the main lot or even separately. It seems silly to me to upload it separately as it will clearly be meant to be used in conjunction with the main lot, although the main lot can and will stand effectively on its own merits without it.

Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#44 Old 6th Jul 2013 at 8:10 AM

64x64 is not enough space? Woah. :D

I've been trying to scratch my head on how to answer to your question. I do think I've come to some sort of solution, too.

The rules of the contest say nothing of the surroundings of the contest lot, so there is not way I can tell you: no, you're not allowed to do that. So I'm going to allow a complementary lot.

But, it will not be judged with the main lot, nor can it effect the score. The lot can be seen in the pictures, but it can't be the star of them. The contest is about your main lot. As it's hard to tell sometimes, where one lot ends and another one starts, I'm going to require you to write a little additional part of description of where the borders of your main lot are. Unless it's dead obvious in your pictures.

Since the second lot is outside the contest lot, and extra effort -you- want to do, there are no requirements or limits for that lot. Unless you plan to enter it as another entry into this contest.
Toaster Strudel Addict
retired moderator
#45 Old 20th Jul 2013 at 6:30 PM
Do OMSPs count as a knock against the no cc goal?
Veteran Finn
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Original Poster
#46 Old 21st Jul 2013 at 8:29 AM

um, good question.

Omsp's are mods though, not technically items. So ok, I'm gonna have to allow them, along with other similar -mods- such as curtain shifting mods, EA content unlockers, and stuff.

So as long as the visual content is EA's, from game only, you'll still get your CC bonus points.
Forum Resident
#47 Old 24th Jul 2013 at 10:47 PM
Non-related bushes: Kate Bush is of no relation to George Bush.

So, I bit off more than I can chew with this. I went way big when I shoulda went way smaller, and it's coming along at a dandy snail's pace.
Re. CC, I was using the "helper" building mods that are not required for download if the house is uploaded.
I didn't use OMSPs because they would show up as CC with the lot, but... ehrrrrmehgawddd!
If you're allowing them, I'm going balls to the wall decorating.

So then would fog emitter mods (e.g. shiftable, smaller, larger, etc.) be permitted without points deduction or counted as CC?
Field Researcher
#48 Old 28th Jul 2013 at 11:41 PM Last edited by LucyBorgia : 1st Aug 2013 at 7:34 PM.
Default Villa Omorfi

Corfu was owned by the Venetians from the medieval era until the 17th century; leading to a very Italian feel to the buildings especially in Kerkyra, or Corfu town as it is known to the English. It is a beautiful and idyllic holiday destination... *

Front elevation

Rear elevation

Ground floor plan of whole lot

First floor plan of whole lot

Elevations with descriptions

Plans with descriptions

Photos of amenities

More photos of amenities

I used my Simself and my sons' Simselves for as my active family for this build. We've been to Corfu before and would love to go back there, but it's not happening this year. So I made it happen for my Sims. They wanted somewhere to relax, for couch potato younger son to watch tv and play computer games, for rebellious elder son to camp out and play with fire, work on his motorbike, teach little brother to fish, for Sim-me to lounge by the pool and have drinks at the bars... Beautiful scenery, no need for loud nightlife. Horse riding would be good, but I'm not sure I could do that on a resort, and decided for my Sims, not having to do housework was better than riding... So converted the stables into a games room.

Well. This has been a huge learning curve for me. Not so much the building, though I've only been playing Sims 3 since December 2012, and didn't play Sims 1 or 2, so the gaming and building are new to me, but the photography and using photo editing software, getting images resized to an ok size... It's taken me so long to get photos with enough lighting to see what's there, to get stuff edited that I'm entering now. If I don't enter now, I'll run away and never do anything with them!

I won't be uploading the lot, Error Trap does NOT like it and I get 'several' notifications for the resort while playing here. (For 'several', read well over a hundred...) I've had not routing problems while playing in it though.

- You MUST use CFE on your lot.
On carport roof (I feel I didn't do a lot here with CFE, but anymore wouldn't really have been in keeping with the build - younger son saw me working on it and said it looked like the place we stayed at in Corfu)
- You MUST use CAST (Create a style-tool) on your lot
Used in bistro chairs & table on upper level; sofas in games arcade in the Old Stable
- You MUST use FOG EMITTER(s) on your lot
Used to create waterfall: waterfall_2_short at top and 2 X waterfall_2-shortsplash at the bottom (first time I've used fog emitters!);
- You MUST EDIT THE TERRAIN of your lot in the means of shape and paint.
For waterfall, pond and stream; under play equipment and round carport to add use marks to them, in bin area to provide hard standing under bins and round water troughs to show darker grass from extra water.

Edited to say, no Custom Content or stand alone bought Store items used in the lot (the only Store item I've bought that wasn't in a world, expansion or stuff pack is the multi tab, I did get the family those to encourage Denzil to do his homework - oh, that Rebellious trait! ) I'm pretty sure one of the arcade games came from the 60s, 70s and 80s Stuff pack though.

Edited again to put elevations and floor plans in post. Hope it's all ok now... Ah well, second competition I've entered on here, so I've entered and done my best

* All pictures shot on location in Monte Vista
Forum Resident
#49 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 4:35 AM
That's a really grand way to start the contest entries, LucyBorgia! Bravo!

And how sweet it is that you & yours can revisit your vacation in Greece anytime in your game.
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
Original Poster
#50 Old 29th Jul 2013 at 5:42 AM
Whehey, my first entry!

At this point, the contest time almost being at the end, I pretty much started to think you guys either made tricks to my head and kept your entries till the last minute, or just simply weren't interested to plunder with so many rules.

Couple of more days left, so I hope to see at least a few more entries so we can have a proper judging! :D

as posted right above your question,
"as long as the visual content is EA's, from game only, you'll still get your CC bonus points."

So yes, unless you use custom effects (has anyone even made those for TS3 yet?), then using a mod that alters their size etc. is just as fine as using OMPS's, curtain mods, or any other such thing.

As a clarification, using NEW game items, such as my chimneys, build set/buy set, piano... (yes, lol, all examples are my own stuff), then you would not be getting your bonus points.
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