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#1 Old 28th Jul 2020 at 11:49 PM
Default How to increase the distance between the arms and the torso?
I've noticed that some clothes have a higher space between the torso and the arms. How can I replicate this with a mesh?
Here's some pictures to see the comparison:

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#2 Old 23rd Dec 2020 at 10:59 AM
I know this thread is a little older, but I would like to know this too. I'm working on a unusual mesh which is on the wider side, and the arms are clipping into the torso. Have you been able to find out how to increase the ditance by now?

Here's a picture of what I'm talking about:
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#3 Old 23rd Dec 2020 at 2:03 PM
Not exactly sure how to do this in TSRW but it's something to do with the location of the slots, by default Sim's hand bones are connected to the left and right thighTarget slots when idle standing, if you can find those slots in the outfit and move them outerwards using the values, it should work out.

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#4 Old 20th Apr 2022 at 9:38 PM
A necro sort of answer. Perhaps someone that better knows the more technical side will also reply, but... What I found is that much info is in the bonedeltas, or bonds.
You cannot move the mesh arms. They must remain aligned with the rig, especially the hands/ fingers. What I have done is to replace bonds in TSRW, with bonds from an outfit that holds the arms closer to where I may need them to rest.

It can be a bit of guess work, as I said, I am not very technical, so can't give you numbers to plug in. In TSRW preview of clothes, some appear to have the arms held further from the body than others. A very obvious one, is university mascot for male or female. Usually too much, but perhaps for the ogre would work? So, find a garment in previews that looks as the arms are out a little (where you want them), and open it. Top left, open Edit, Project Contents. All the parts are listed. Scroll to the 5 Bonds. They seem to include bone info for morphs, among other things, which is why there are 5, and although not numbered in TSRW, are generally 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... or base, fat, fit, thin, special.

Right click the first Bond, and then left click "export". Save it to your work folder and label it... I use 0. Do the same with the remaining Bonds, and I will label as 1 thru 4.

Now, open your workshop project. Go to Edit, Project Contents. Now, right click the first Bond and left click import... and import Bond 0. Continue with remaining Bonds. To be certain they are in, I will save the work, and reopen it. Then make my package.

If you open a package in S3PE and click one of the bonds, you will see the slots listed in preview. Again, I do not know which slot does what, aside from adding adjustments 54, 55 and 56 for height altering shoes. Click another Bond, and you see the numbers are a bit different. You can replace bonds in s3pe, but the changes will not be in your project file, unless you then remake another project from the package with bonds you replaced in s3pe.

As always, I imagine someone has an easier way, but as no one has replied, that is how I do arm position in TSRW.
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