Chapter 2, Part 3
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The Treaders wasted no time attacking the three mysterious visitors, who fought back better than any of Team Volkonir thought was normal for mere civilians. Further away from his teammates for safety, Carlos noticed the three and decided to call the police. He wasn't sure where the light show went, but these three were civilians who definitely didn't belong on HanomCorp research grounds! This area was the closest HanomCorp thing to Area 51!

Carlos: "Hey, yeah! Officers...this is HanomCorp security. In the area around Gary's Warehouse, three unauthorized civilians spotted. Descriptions??? A white male, red shirt...a black male...and a female with a yellow shirt, Asian. No; I'm NOT trying to sound racist! That's what they really look like!" [beat] "Look, we got giant bugs again, and these three trespassers are gonna get murdered if they don't get out of here!" [beat] "No, we'll take care of the giant bugs! We always do!" [beat] "No, I didn't call the Orkin Man!" [hangs up phone]: "Slammit!!! These po-pos are freakin' morons!!!"

Vinny could hardly believe how many Treaders were still coming, and Slaisionnach was getting in the mood for murder again! Carlos and Kayla were both retreating, especially since a rage-fueled Slaisionnach seemed to be having trouble telling friend from foe. If he would mow down his own Treader troops for petty slights, what chance did either Carlos or Kayla stand without armor?

With Volkonir bogged down, Slaisionnach turned his attention to the one he deemed most responsible for Seirsionnach's death: Masato!

Slaisionnach: "Samurai is disgrace to Cortascian Knights!!! I kill you first!!!"

Several energy blasts and sword swings later, Masato realized that he'd need his armor to even get close to the menace without being killed!

Masato: "Roshiakuripume!" (Translation: "You Russian creepazoid!")

Slasionnach: "Segodnya ty umirayesh', kak pank!" (Translation: "Today, you die like a punk!!!")

Zack: "Jason...if they have a Knight that can morph, then we might not be so strange in this setting!"

Trini: "Yeah! And these things have nearly stabbed me in the stomach several times! I think they mean business!"

Jason: "I get what you guys are saying! You two take the mosquitoes, I'll help the Japanese guy over there with Big-and-Ugly! You guys ready?"

Trini: "Ready!"

Zack: "Ready!"

Jason: "All right, then! IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!!!"

Zack: "Mastodon!!!"

Trini: "Saber-Toothed Tiger!!!"

Jason: "Tyrannosaurus!!!"

After the three Rangers completed their morphs, Team Volkonir couldn't help but be distracted by the sight of what came next.

Kayla: "They have their own Tapestry?"

Volkonir: "What the blazes???"

Slaisionnach: "Your tush first, Samurai! Then, I kill pajama men!!!"

The fighting soon picked up pace again, though the Treaders found the new guests a lot harder to push around.

Carlos: "Oops!"

Zack: "Hey 'squitoes! Not so fun when it's a fair fight, is it?"

Trini: "Go suck someone else's blood!"

Zack: "Or better yet, nobody's!"

The Rangers made quick work of many of the Treaders, finding them only slightly tougher than the Putties they were accustomed to.

Jason (summoning Power Sword): "You're mine, Dreadlocks!"

Slaisionnach: "Dream on, Red Pajama Man!"

With one bolt of energy, Slaisionnach sent Jason flying back. He turned his attention again to Masato, while Vinny and Kayla found themselves suddenly fading to invisibility.

Vinny: "What? What's this?"

Kayla: "Vinny! I'm...I'm seeing a park. I think we're being..."

Before she could finish the sentence, both Vinny and Kayla were gone from the battlefield! Bright yellow lights shined, and soon also vanished. But where were they???

Carlos: "Vinny! Kayla! Nooooooo!!!!"

Masato realized there was only one thing to do now. Without the Golden Lion Knight, the time for formalities was over.

Masato: "ゴーストウサギ、守って Cortascius!" ("Gosutousagi, Cortascius o mamorou!") (Translation: "Spectral Hare, Cortascius Defend!!!")

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