AF; Dolce&Gabbana cocktail dress, PT29
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Mesh is by Crechebaby from (go to the site, select freebies, the sims2, AF/YAF everyday outfit, the outift with the yellow skirt and the orange top).
And remember... I like comments in order to know what do you think about this work, so... write!

Uploaded: 27th Feb 2006, 387.9 KB.
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About Me
For recolor, the majority of my clothes cannot be recolored because they are takeng from high quality images, and simply a recolor would spoil most of the shadows, details, etc. So, I would not recommend recoloring! For the few files that are actually recolorable, well, just ask me, and I'll do my best for doing the job for you! ;)
If you need info/help/suggestions, I am here! I love helping people and writing PMs, so, don't hesitate! PM me, in case you need!