Hunkalicious Layered Tees
layeredtees02.jpg - width=595 height=650
layeredtees03.jpg - width=595 height=650
layeredtees01.jpg - width=892 height=650
Top - Everyday Only - Adult/YA - Maxis Recolour - No EPs required
Uploaded: 3rd Jul 2006, 1.19 MB.
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Updated: 6th Sep 2008 at 10:08 PM - editing search parameters
"Untucked" Shorts and Summery Tops (LOTS of 'em!)
by fanseelamb 27th Jun 2006 at 8:05pm
by fanseelamb 2nd Jul 2006 at 6:51am
by fanseelamb 18th Jul 2006 at 7:14am
by fanseelamb 27th Aug 2006 at 12:25am
Smile If You're Gay! Two Cheery Yellow Tees
by fanseelamb 6th Jan 2007 at 8:54am
The Littlest Hobo! Fun Nostalgic Tees
by fanseelamb 7th Jan 2007 at 5:01am
Logo-Free Tees! 10 Colours, 2 Styles (Updated!)
by fanseelamb 7th Jan 2007 at 10:33am
Oodles of "Untucked" Attire: Anniversary Collection
by fanseelamb 4th Jun 2007 at 7:51am
by the black steed 11th Oct 2007 at 8:42pm
Three Untuckable Layered Tees for Teen Males
by melanch0lydreams 28th Oct 2007 at 3:02am
Sweet Separates: Untuckable Hoodies, Jean Shorts, and Capri Jeans {MESH UPDATED: July 10, 2012}
by fanseelamb 23rd Oct 2011 at 11:27pm
Some separate hoodies, jean shorts, and capri jeans for your comfort-loving ladies. more...
Playful Sleeveless Hoodies with Shorts
by fanseelamb 31st Jul 2011 at 3:18am
Never has the "No Style" tickbox been more appropriate. (Available in 9 Colours) more...
by fanseelamb 1st Nov 2005 at 5:50am
I saw a Care Bear in somebody's avatar around here the other day, and tracked it down to TSR.... more...
61 67k 93
A Bunch of New Clothes..... on Racks
by fanseelamb 4th Jun 2006 at 9:51pm
Now the clothes in your store can look as pretty as the clothes on your sims! Yay! more...
27 64.8k 83
Tasty Tins o' Beverage - Soda, Beer, V8 (Non-Default, 9 Flavours)
by fanseelamb 19th Jul 2007 at 2:53am
Yum! New drinks! more...
61 113.8k 178
Paint-Free Apartment Life Trackpants (Default + Non-Default Versions)
by fanseelamb 28th Aug 2008 at 11:25pm
I really like these trackpants that came with Apartment Life. The body paint, not so much. more...
by fanseelamb 26th Oct 2005 at 11:32pm
One more recolour of boblishman's decorative (not edible!) "Autumn Apple Basket". more...
5 25.3k 29
Snuggly Little Sweaters and "Untucked" Cords
by fanseelamb 15th Nov 2006 at 12:33am
These little sweaters worn over a crisp white tee are sure to keep your pixel boys warm and snuggly. more...
by fanseelamb 22nd Sep 2005 at 7:20am
Inspired by Infamy's HBC bedding and sofas , I made a couple of matching teddy bears. more...
20 27.9k 19
Tight Tees w/ Writing ("Breakfast Included", "Hotlanta", "Dork", "I See Dumb People")
by fanseelamb 24th Dec 2005 at 1:24am
Shirts with writing are not my usual style... more...
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