**Old Mcdonald Farm**

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Old Mcdonald had a farm EI EI O, and on that farm he had

1 Bedroom
1 Bath Room
1 Lounge
1 Kitchen
A Landing Spot For The Crop Duster
A Couple Of Cows, Horses And Pigs
A Mammoth Shower
A HUGE FishTank

Ok enough with that before i carry on PLEASE READ THIS

This lot requires the following EP'S

1) University
2) Nightlife
3) OFB

You have to have the EP'S listed above for my lot to work in your game.

Ok now lets get started. Well this is my first lot that i'm posting that comes with some custom content. As you can see its your typical farm with a few animals and some other goodies. I really wanted to make a farm because thanks to "Mickyss" for his wonderfull animal creations i was able to build such a wonderful farm ok well before i carry on here are the people i HAVE TO THANK.


Horse with fence by feeEssen - www.modthesims2.com
Horse By Obsessisim and Dragon Slaves - www.modthesims2.com Simstone Mammoth Shower By "The Mod Squad" - www.modthesims2.com
Terrain Paint by aussie - www.aussietopenders.com
Animals Of The Farm by Mickyss - www.modthesims2.com (BIG THANKS)
Leaves of the fall (terrain) by Maximum_Spider - www.modthesims2.com
Plane - By Crocobaura - www.modthesims2.com
4ESF Outdoor2 Hosta - www.4eversimfantasy.eu.tf
4ESF Outdoor 2 Hydrangea Shrub - www.4eversimfantasy.com
Garden Rock by Jendea2 - www.jendea.net
Eponymous Garden Fern by Kate - www.parisimonious.org
Eponymous Garden Foxglove by Kate - www.parisimonious.org
Eponymous Garden Grapes by Kate - www.parisimoonious.org
Jarden Soda by Wallsims - www.wallsims.net
Chunky Brick Wall by simdesignsisters - www.simdesignsisters.com
Yucca Plant by xmsims - www.xmsims.com
Fern by xmsims - www.xmsims.com
Fishtank With Lobster by cocosims - www.cocosims.com

WOW with that out the way lets have a quick look at what the farm looks like.

Ok so theirs your picture ok so more information you need to know

Price= 85,532 (When it was built and furnished)
29,402 ( When I Moved My Family In)
Size= 4x4

If you like my lot then please hit the THANKS BUTTON on your way out AND PLEASE RATE, AND ALL COMMENTS WELCOME.

Yours Truely
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