Pink and Blue Fantasy Skintones recolors of Louis Skins
pinkfaces.jpg - width=378 height=266
pinkfemale.jpg - width=243 height=449
pinkmale.jpg - width=174 height=320
bluefaces.jpg - width=343 height=229
bluefemale.jpg - width=196 height=359
bluemale.jpg - width=210 height=391
Credit to louis of simcribbling and their awesome skintones.
This is a somewhat basic recolor where i only changed the shading under the lips (i found that they would often make my sims appear to have facial hair depending on the facial structure) and of course the color its self of all ages and genders.
I hope you enjoy it!
Please DO NOT upload to the exchange or othersites however you may use skintone on your models/stories/video but please credit my self and louis, and a link would always be nice (i like to see what happens to things i make =]).
Uploaded: 29th Aug 2006, 5.14 MB.
Uploaded: 29th Aug 2006, 4.96 MB.
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Updated: 5th Sep 2008 at 2:31 AM
#pink, #blue, #fantasy. skintone, #louis
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