Live Camera Fix V1.0 Watch the sky!!
BSeeUptheHouse.JPG - width=800 height=602
CSeeHills.JPG - width=800 height=602
DSeeCeilings.JPG - width=1025 height=769
EFade.JPG - width=1025 height=769
-Lower Camera height so u can see things from the ground (almost no ground clipping)
-Zoom as close as u want (remember that if u close too much u will be inside the sim or object poligon, so zoom carefully, (i had to do this since it was the only way to be able to see up))
-Also Top Down view in Live Cam mode by rotating camera.
-Faster speed and rotation (if u are at closest zoom u will be moving VERY slowly, since this is the way Maxis designed it, so zoom out if u want to move faster)
-U can actually see everything with this camera, u can ONLY see up when u are in the CLOSEST zoom, (since if u were in the farest camera u would be able to see things from under the ground)
-Remember that maxis didnt created the floor/roof, when u are on lower levels, so that means u will be able to see throu the others objects in the higher levels (only if u are seeing the others highers levels)
(there is a a Visible Ceiling Tiles Mod, that way when u see up in a house u can see the Ceiling!!!
Well this is Version 1, and its my first upload, it took me like about 25 or more restarts of sims2 to get it done, i can fix it more if you want, i just wanted to get a camera to zoom close, lower, up, and top.
so any feedback would be greatly apreciated

PS: yes this is the same file and version as found on under my name
Uploaded: 13th Oct 2006, 968 Bytes.
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3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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by Tashiketh updated 30th Mar 2005 at 8:18am
61 156.6k 40
by Masterofallvideogames 14th Jul 2008 at 2:09am
28 40.9k 20
Live Camera mod 2 requested by Corsetcrush
by Masterofallvideogames 24th Sep 2008 at 8:23pm
25 45.2k 23
by Tom Duhamel updated 5th Jan 2009 at 7:58am
133 259.5k 688
by Numbum 12th Sep 2010 at 12:10am
18 50.7k 82
CAS Camera Fix V1.0 (ZOOM A LOT!)
by CaptFalcon007 7th Jan 2006 at 9:41am
Hey all, Im back and this time i make this CAS Camera. more...
47 135.5k 78