The Morton Project-Part A-Starter Homes

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The Morton Project

The Morton Project is a neighbourhood I am designing an creating. I am uploading it in chunks, this is the first ‘pack’, it is made up of starter homes.

The Morton project will once finished include the following:
A custom terrain Part B
A full residential lot district- Parts A, B, C
A full community lot district – Parts D, E
No Sims – you can do that yourself and mould it to be your own-I may upload a family or two to get it started though.

This is Part A – starter homes


Lot 1:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This house benefits from an open plan design offering a sense of space. Due to this the design also creates easy access to every aspect of it. Externally the simplicity of the design is in itself rewarding to the eye, and the colouring sets well into the desert landscape.

Lot 2:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This second house offers, above all else, practicality. It is very compact so the lazy sim doesn’t have to move too far from their bed to reach the fridge. On the more pleasant days sims may also choose to dine outside on the patio. They can admire the beauty of their home on the outside and stun passers by with the delinquent yet agreeable design.

Lot 3:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This home offers to the buyer, rather than an expensive home, expensive furniture. The sim who runs this property can allow themselves to be engulfed in their pleasure as they live here, perfect for most sims who lead a busy life and need to be charged up and ready to go. The bedroom is separated from the rest of the house however its up is that it holds a beautiful view across the desert landscape.

Lot 4:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This delightful home offers simple living and a generally pleasant lifestyle. It has a wide and spacious bedroom and the living quarters are also well drawn for a home for this price. It has a spacious plot behind it as well and it in itself creates a barrier from onlookers, consequently this home is perfect for the sim with a hobby. They may simply hide themselves behind the property so as not to be disturbed.

Lot 5:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This next home is small and practical intended for the sim who wishes no complications in their lives. It offers a very compact design allowing focus on other aspects of life such as work. Amazingly it also offers a comfortable living space as well as a unique design that all can enjoy.

Lot 6:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This home is specifically designed to be comfortable AND uncomfortable, not following? – well with this aspect in mind think; ‘what is the perfect combination to move up in the world?’. One answer would be an uncomfortable yet comfortable living space. This is because the discomfort creates an incentive to move higher, and the comfort allows you to be in the good mood to do so. Thus this home is perfect for a working sim.

Lot 7:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This home provides not only a home but also a barely used plot. This home is perfect for the sim who is here to stay as it has the space for expansion. Why not build a
mini-mansion for yourself? With a stretching pool, a lookout and a games room! You could probably even manage an aquarium if you use the space well!

Lot 8:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This adorable home offers the latest in modern design and an enjoyable home to live in. The large entrance windows will create awe in any visitors and for this reason this home has been described as perfect for a sim with romantic aspirations! It offers perfection to the buyer, so quickly, snap it up, before someone else does!

Lot 9:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This home is architecturally interesting and pleasing, it offers an open plan with a difference, this being that is a split-level home. This lot provides a large living area and is perfect for the creative sim, any painters who admire the landscaping of the desert will be amazed by this perfect opportunity to capture its essence.

Lot 10:

Lot size : 2x2
Lot Price : 20,000
Furnishings : Full
Custom Content : None
*built on a downtown lot*
This home benefits from a wacky design as well as being a useful home, it gives the buyer the best of both creativity and practicality. It is popular among young couples who have just started out in the world. The external design is very different and can make passers by stop long enough to allow a sim to have a quick chat and is therefore also perfect for the social sims.

The Design
I dislike studio sim-homes and so all have a separate bedroom. All Designs are my own. Ummm they are all designed to be modern and to be placed on a desert landscape.
ALSO I have used a set of wallpapers and flooring for each room, which is identicle to most of the homes. e.g. the living rooms commonly have neutral colourings, this was done not as a design choice but only as people have different preferences, basicly i didn't make each unique because otherwize people would only download their prefered style - if they are mainly neutral then people can alter them as they choose.

Obviously you can download them for other use.

Important when downloading:
My lots appear as either red or black squares in the lot section – this is only due to my computer being a bit old and so its graphics card does this. They should also appear as just a shadow when you place them – another effect unfortunately- don’t worry this hasn’t ever damaged anyone’s game ever!!!

On each picture is the number of each lot – match them to the download to get the right one. Ummm, also they take a moment to load, particularly 5. Also a note on 9 it is a split-level and not just a block it has shape but you can’t easily see it at the pictures angle. It is actually a backward L with a bit on the side.
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