Petite Patchwork nursery set
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Today I bring for you a very cute nursery set, only my second time recoloring nursery textures and first time uploading them. The theme is slightly shabby chic, while being girly. The crib sheet is light pink toile and the bumper is green gingham, solid pink, and pink polka dots on white.
The recolors are:
The bedding, but not frame, recolor of the Kinder Kontainer crib
Recolor of the Sanitation Station changing table
Recolor of Foulbreath's Mat - Family Fun Stuff required.
I originally recolored some curtains and the high chair, as well, however, I couldn't fix the textures on them and they looked pretty sorry. I might upload them later, if I can figure the textures out.
Thank you to SnowStorm for the awesome Sleigh Style nursery meshes and Atavera for the Toddler Blanket (what a great iten!) shown in the pictures

Now for the boring legal stuff - you may include this recolor in a lot only if these conditions are met: 1) Credit is given to me, 2) A link is given to this thread, and 3) only if it is on MTS2. Absolutely no Exchange uploads!! Thank you!
Please press the "thanks" button and leave a comment - I love feedback

This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
Petite Patchwork nursery
Uploaded: 24th Feb 2007, 221.1 KB.
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Updated: 24th Feb 2007 at 8:31 PM
#gingham, #toile, #girly, #shabby chic, #crib, #pink, #green, #polka dots, #baby
by rosaline_10 updated 17th Jan 2008 at 5:33am
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