Bohemia - 3 of 3 Unloved/Loved Series 3br/3.5baths/Fully Decorated & Landscaped
boh1.jpg - width=600 height=600
boh2.jpg - width=600 height=600
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This series of houses was really all about the gardens - and seeing what I could do with the same lot and its smallish garden space. I won't be uploading the other two lots here as they are already on my site and overloading MTS2 with my fat lots seems silly when I have plenty of bandwidth.
Anyway - this is the BIGun of the three.
This lot is all about earthy colours, cool wood floors and hanging out eating great food and drinking wine in the backyard.

The ground floor is one open space with a half bathroom - so you could have kitchen/formal dining and a living area. The first floor has another large living area and a bedroom with ensuite and balcony overlooking the rear yard. The second floor has two more bedrooms. Each has a separate staircase to the first floor, ensuites and balconies. They are separated by a tiled outdoor area that could be used for sittin' in the sun and relaxing =)

The rear yard is a carefully manicured and decorated space - enclosed by a Mediterranean fence and enclosed by vine covered arches. One corner houses an inground spa protected by an outdoor tent, the opposite corner a sculpted garden. Attached at the rear of the house is a wooden arbour perfect for outdoor dining and entertaining.

This pic gives you an idea of the other two lots - Urbanisation - a modern style lot and Chahmed - a frilly pretty lot.
You can see more pics and download them at

files NOT included in download
file: Eden tent creator: EllaSims2
This outdoor tent is part of the Eden Set can be found on page 2 of Ella's Downloads =)
files included in download
...Objects and Recolours
file: Outdoor dahlia 5 creator: 4EverSimFantasy
file: Marie windows & diag,marie door & diag,castlerock window creator: marcel @
file: Amphora on stand,vases x3 creator: Tarox Design Sims 2 @
file: Provence end table,sunny sunday chair & table & recolours creator: Sandy @ ATS
file: Aubretia,flowerbox 2 creator: macarossi @ mts2
file: Quart of grass creator: Buggybooz @ mts2
file: Nottinghill screen2 creator: bluetes
file: Yukka plants x2 creator: besen @
file: Western paper birches 2 & 3 & recolours creator: Corvidophile2@ mts2
file: Dream plant creator: Carlopolitano
file: Cypress tree,cypress in pot creator: xrax @ mts2
file: Vase creator: Funfun @ Blacky Sims 2 Zoo @ http://blackypantherde.h704946.serv...?path=start.php
file: Tinajones creator: Grapholina @ mts2
file: Girder creator: hexameter @
file: Curved plain door & diag creator: Helena @
file: London space roof trellis creator: Jonesi @ mts2 or
file: Ivy 1,living lamp 3 creator: Jope @ Simply Styling
file: Eponymous fennel creator: kate @
file: Birch tree shrubby & recolour,birch spriggly creator: khakidoo @ mts2
file: Crape myrtle tree creator:
file: Flowering vines 1 & 2 creator: nengi65 @ Sims Crossing
file: Mediterran plants x3,mediterran tree & recolour creator: olemantiker @
file: Wall lamp creator:
file: Round shrub hedge creator: Bienchen83 @
file: Outdoor2 hottub creator: Sims in Paris
file: Objecthorizontal,decowall,decobeam creator: Steffor @
file: Wrought wright floating stairs creator: Sunni Sims
file: Andaluz wall plant creator: tkangie
file: Exterior ivy & 2 recolours creator: Zelia Theb @ mts2
file: Aubretia recolours x2,nengi vine recolours x3 creator: engelchen @
file: 4esf dahlia recolour creator: Simveggie @ mts2
file: Recolours of: Marie build items,bluete screen,ellasims tent,hexameter girder,pixelsims door,jonesi roof trellis,
castlerock window,SiP hottub,steffor objecthorizontal - decobeam & deco wall creator: loverat @ mts2 &
file: Black iron fence creator: Simbuktu
...Floors, Walls, Terrains
file: redstone floor,stonetile4 wall creator: Dincer Hepguler @
file: Tradition floor 2,tradition wall 2 creator: Carlopolitano
file: Natural wood floor 2 creator: Bine71 @
file: Bath set 2 floors x2,bath set 2 walls x2 creator: Marina Sims
file: Plaster Terracotta & terracotta_too wall creator: nengi65 @ Sims Crossing
file: Sand 2 wall creator:
file: Peach render wall, blue-grey stucco wall creator:
file: Wall 002 creator: Exnem @ mts2
file: Denver set sage creator: Spidergirl @ Habitations Unknown Site Link
Lot Size: 1x3
Lot Price: 71,170
Custom Content Included:
- 4esfoutdoor5dahlia by 4ESF
- a4s_marie_r_gross_straight by All For Sims
- a4s_marie_r_klein_straight by All For Sims
- a4s_marie_r_tuer_diagonal by All For Sims
- a4s_marie_r_tuer_straight by All For Sims
- amphore100606taroo by Design Sims 2
- s atssandy_obj_provencedining_endtable001 by Around The Sims
- atssandy_obj_sunnysundayliving_chair001_PETS by Around The Sims
- tssandy_obj_sunnysundayliving_table001 by Around The Sims
- Aubretia_macarossi_PlantCollection2007 by Macarossi
- BBpip_quarterofgrass_short by Buggybooz
- blackys-sims-zaun3060206 by Simbuktu
- bluete-screen2-notting_hill-Mesh by Bluetes
- bs2_MESH_yukkagross by Besen Sims
- bs2_MESH_yukkaklein by Besen Sims
- corvidophile2_paperbirch_medium_MESH by Corvidophile2
- corvidophile2_paperbirch_normal_MESH by Corvidophile2
- CurvedwindowBalcony_macarossi012007 by Macarossi
- dh-redstone-floor.package by Dincer Hepguler
- dh-stonetile04-bathroomwall by Dincer Hepguler
- dream-carlo-plant-carlopolitano by Carlopolitano
- edententbyellasims by Ella Sims
- carlopolitano floor_923e9dcb by Carlopolitano
- binessimsrevue floor_ced5daeb by BineSimsRevue
- FlowerBox2_macarossi by Macarossi
- franky_cupressusmini_011906 by Xrax/Franky
- franky_Cupressus_011906 by Xrax/Franky
- franky_pottedcypress_012006 by Xrax/Franky
- funfun_vase_060429 by Fubfub@ BlackySims 2 Zoo
- Graph_TinajonesMESH_010706 by Grapholina
- hexameter-girder-corner_r by Hexamater
- HS_CurvedPlainDoor by Pixel Sims
- HS_CurvedPlainDoor by Pixel Sims
- Jonesi_LondonSpace_Roof Trellis_Mesh by Jonesi
- Jope_gardening_ivy1_mesh by Jope@Simply Styling
- Jope_living3_lamp_mesh by Jope@Simply Styling
- k8-eponymousgarden-fennel-051606 by Kate@Parsimonious
- KhakidooBirchShrubbyr by Khakidoo
- KhakidooBirchSpriggly by Khakidoo
- loverat-ole mediterran fence2-sandstone&terracotta by & MTS2
- marina_bathset2_blue_floor_d00a1a5b by Marina Sims
- marina_bathset2_floor_terra_f00a1a76 by Marina Sims
- marina_bathset2_green_wall_500a1b2b by Marina Sims
- marina_bathset2_terra_wall_d00a1b0b by Marina Sims
- murano_springtheme_crapemyrtletree_mesh by Muranomobilia
- N65_Flowering_Vine_01_MESH by Nengi65
- N65_Flowering_Vine_02_MESH by Nengi65
- ole mediterran fence by olemantiker
- ole mediterran plant 4 by olemantiker
- ole mediterran plant 5 by olemantiker
- ole mediterran plant 8 by olemantiker
- ole mediterran tree by olemantiker
- PG_lightingwallsignlamp_0302 by PGSims
- s2a_dermarcel_bwin_070706-straight by Dermarcel
- sim2me_hedge_MESH by Bienchen83
- sip-outdoor2-hottub-jasmine by Jasmine@SimsinParis
- steffor-objecthorizontal by Steffor@Avalon
- steffor-decoarch by Steffor@Avalon
- steffor-perfavore-balken by Steffor@Avalon
- sunnisims_modwroughtironfloating_mesh by Sunnisims
- taroovasemitgestell by Design Sims 2
- tkangie_bathandaluzwallplantMESH by Tkangie
- vasen100606taroo by Design Sims 2
- vasen130606taroo by Design Sims 2
- nengi65wall_310f4fbb by Nengi65
- simplan.s75wall_8ee32876 by Simplan
- Lilacfirewall_90a39b41 by Lilacfire
- nengi65wall_910f4a1c by Nengi65
- Exnemwall_910f4a1c by Exnem
- Lilacfirewall_f0a39b7b by Lilacfire
- carlopolitanowall_f23e8f2e by Carlopolitano
- spidergirl @ Habitationswall_spiderdenver9 by Spidergirl
- ZeliaTheb-ExteriorIvy-11262006_STRAIGHT by Zelia Theb
Filename | Type | Size |
Bohemia Part 1.rar | rar | |
boh1.jpg | jpg | 92002 |
boh2.jpg | jpg | 71256 |
boh3.jpg | jpg | 65492 |
atssandy_txtr_provencedining_endtable001_old.package | package | 34915 |
atssandy_txtr_sunnysundayliving_table001_c.package | package | 44424 |
corvidophile2_paperbirch_medium_rec2.package | package | 75124 |
corvidophile2_paperbirch_normal_rec2.package | package | 75126 |
engelchen-Aubretia_macarossi_PlantCollection2007-recol2.package | package | 33152 |
engelchen-Aubretia_macarossi_PlantCollection2007-recol4.package | package | 31467 |
engelchen-N65_Flowering_Vine_01_MESH-recol2.package | package | 20043 |
engelchen-N65_Flowering_Vine_01_MESH-recol4.package | package | 19858 |
engelchen-N65_Flowering_Vine_02_MESH-recol2.package | package | 20045 |
KhakidooBirchShrubbyRC6.package | package | 138870 |
loverat-a4s_marie_r_gross_straight-olddarkwood.package | package | 16823 |
loverat-a4s_marie_r_klein_straight-olddarkwood.package | package | 30911 |
loverat-a4s_marie_r_tuer_straight-olddarkwood.package | package | 37466 |
loverat-bluete-screen2-notting_hill-Mesh-sandstonegarden.package | package | 70979 |
loverat-edententbyellasims-tuscan.package | package | 152819 |
loverat-hexameter-girder-corner_r-olddarkwood.package | package | 44876 |
loverat-HS_CurvedPlainDoor-olddarkwood.package | package | 44109 |
loverat-Jonesi_LondonSpace_Roof Trellis_Mesh-olddarkwood.package | package | 281178 |
loverat-s2a_dermarcel_bwin_070706-straight-olddarkwood.package | package | 90124 |
loverat-sip-outdoor2-hottub-jasmine-sandstone&terracotta.package | package | 135807 |
loverat-steffor-Bahia-objecthorizontal-olddarkwood.package | package | 41856 |
loverat-steffor-palace-decoarch-sandstone.package | package | 107937 |
loverat-steffor-perfavore-balken-olddarkwood.package | package | 20983 |
ole mediterran tree recol01.package | package | 30313 |
Veg_4esfdahlia-yellow.package | package | 54792 |
ZeliaTheb-ExteriorIvy-Recolor1.package | package | 57029 |
ZeliaTheb-ExteriorIvy-Recolor3.package | package | 43450 |
Loved Three - Bohemia Lot File.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 1614230 |
Loverats ReadMe - Loved Three - Bohemia.htm | htm | 27811 |
unloved.jpg | jpg | 92583 |
Bohemia Part 2.rar
Uploaded: 30th Jul 2007, 9.24 MB.
Bohemia Part 1.rar
Uploaded: 30th Jul 2007, 2.38 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 30th Jul 2007 at 7:32 PM - removed item from Part 2 & reupped, amended read-me and text - thanks mod!! =)
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Mediterranean House (requested)
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By request--Mediterranean Home
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Open for Business
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ryanatthebass asked (nicely) for a simple and plain terrain. more...
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Long time no see/upload! more...
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Get away from it all in this stylish lurvnest built for two. more...
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2 Recolours - Sims 2 Sisters Bedrooms
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Touch Dressers in Black/White || Ficus Plants in Black/White Pots*UPDATED 14Feb EP*
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**UPDATED** Black dresser was reverting to a nasty Maxis colour - fixed original zip and rar and added black dresser more...
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by Loverat 23rd May 2007 at 6:20pm
The original is glamorous in black but stunning white is definitely needed =) more...
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Pets » Animals » Miscellaneous
Testers Wanted: Dynasty Dining Chair in White
by Loverat 1st Jan 2005 at 7:11pm
Yes...white - I had to have it and now so can you all. more...
22 11.6k 5
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Family Fun |
About Me
Use my recolours/lots/hoods whatevers as you like. Fondle them, love them and call them your own - upload to any free site in lots - if you upload to a paysite the Universe will KNOW and get you back - paysites for game items are aberrations and do not reflect the spirit of gaming. I've been ranting about this since TS1 and will continue to do it until TS435 =)