Bleach Gotei 13 - Divisions 11-13 CPTs, VCs, and Others

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Here is part 3 of my Gotei 13 project, Divisions 11-13 (plus Isshin since I didn't know where to put him). I am quite pleased with this group, especially the Kurotsuchis, which is kinda weird because I'm totally not a fan of Mayuri. I hadn't originally anticipated making his hat and head cones, but I'm glad I did and he turned out much better than I thought I could create. The katana and Zaraki's eyepatch can be downloaded at Rose Sims2.


All uniforms are found under Everyday and Athletic.

Some notes:
11th Division
- Zaraki (CPT): available for Adult, file name:zaracptAM, mesh:AMzarakicpt
- Yachiru (VC): available for Child, file:yachivcCF, mesh:CUshinivc, facepaint (Females):yachiface
- Madramame: facepaint for Males, file:madrameye
- Ayasegawa: available for Adult&Teen, file name:ayasegaAM&ayasegaTM, mesh:AMayasegawa&TMaysegawa, facepaint (Males):ayasedeco

12th Division
- Kurotsuchi (CPT): available for Adults, file:kurocptAM, mesh:AMkurotsuchicpt, hat file name:kurohat, hat mesh name:AMkurotsuchihat, facepaint (AM):kuroface
- Nemu (VC): available for Adults, file:nemuvcAF, mesh:AFnemuvc
- Urahara (CPT): available for Adults: file name:urahcptAM, mesh:AMshinicptlong

13th Division
- Ukitake (CPT): available for Adults, file:ukitcptAM, mesh:AMshinicptlong
- Shiba (VC): available for Adults, file:shibavcAM, mesh:AMshinivc
- Kiyone: available for Adults, file:kiyoneAF, mesh:AFkiyone
- Kotsubaki: available for Adults, file:kotsubaAM, mesh:AMkotsubaki

-Kurosaki Isshin: available for Adults, file:isshiniAM, mesh:AMisshinshini

*Check out my profile for the rest of my Bleach outfits.*

Bleach - Senna (requested)

Mesh Policy:
Re-texture, improve, mutilate, my files as much as you want, just throw out a line of credit and keep it free.

Polygon Counts:
AMshinicptlong.package: 3590
AMkurotsuchicpt.package: 3592
AFnemuvc.package: 2298
CUshinivc.package: 2194
AMzarakicpt.package: 3424
AMayasegawa.package: 2442
TMayasegawa.package: 2442
AFkiyone.package: 2290
AMkotsubaki.package: 2322
AMisshinshini.package: 2180
AMshinivc.package: 2194
AMkurotsuchihat.package: 578
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