Bleach Gotei 13 - Divisions 7-10 CPTs and VCs

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Here is part 2 of 3 in my Bleach Gotei 13 project. These are the captains and vice captains from division 7-10. For clarification the whole sim is not included in the download, just the outfit and sometimes accessories (or in Komamura's case his head and body). I am aware of the fact that the armband Nanao Ise is wearing in the screencap is for ninth division instead of eighth and have fixed the problem in the file just not in the picture. All the katanas in the pics can be downloaded at Rose Sims 2. The handheld book is by generalzoi.

11/04/07 - Added Shunsui Kyouraku in white captain's haori


All uniforms are found under Everyday and Athletic.

Some notes:
7th Division
- Komamura (CPT): available for Adult, file name:komacptAM, mesh:AMkomamuracpt, head file name:komahead, fur file name:komafur *Please download Xarteras' wolf mesh here*
- Ibu (VC): available for Adult, file:ibuvcAM, mesh:AMibuvc

8th Division
- Kyouraku (CPT): available for Adults, file:kyoucptAM, mesh:AMkyourakucpt, hat file name:kyorakhat *Please download Bai Mei's straw hat mesh here*
- Ise (VC): available for Adults, file:isevcAF, mesh:AFshinivc *fixed armband, screencap is not correct*

9th Division
- Tousen (CPT): available for Adults, file:touscptAM, mesh:AMtousencpt, glasses file name:tousglass
- Hisagi (VC): available for Adults and Teens, face tattoos available from raptorix, file:hisagvcAM & hisagvcTM, mesh:AMhisagivc & TMhisagivc

10th Division
- Hitsugaya (CPT): available for Adults and Teens, file:hitscptAM&hitscptTM, mesh:AMshinicptnosleeve&TMshinicptnosleeve
- Matsumoto (VC): available for Adults and Teens, based on Warlokk's size D natural, file:matsuvcAF&matsuvcTF, mesh:AFmatsumotovc&TFmatsumotovc

*Check out my profile for the rest of my Bleach outfits.*

Next up Divisions 11-13

Mesh Policy:
Re-texture, improve, mutilate, my files as much as you want, just throw out a line of credit and keep it free.

Polygon Counts:
AFshinivc.package: 2236
AFmatsumotovc.package: 2714
TFmatsumotovc.package: 2714
AMhisagivc.package: 2236
TMhisagivc.package: 2236
AMibuvc.package: 2194
AMkyourakucpt.package: 3518
AMkomamuracpt.package: 3600
AMshinicptnosleeve.package: 3424
TMshinicptnosleeve.package: 3424
AMtousencpt.package: 3704
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