Squinge's Grilled Cheese and Date Counter - Repository technique applied (Updated 2008/01/30)

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2008-01-30: Fixed "Count Simultaneous Lovers" option to count only loves, not crushes.
Thanks to Alexx for information.


This is modified version of Squinge's AteGrilledCheese and DateCounter hack. Repository technique is applied, so they will share recolors with the original Maxis paintings they are based on.
("Grilled Cheese" poster for AteGrilledCheese, "The Lady On Red" painting for DateCounter.)
Both have the same GUID as Squinge's original. You must overwrite them over originals to avoid GUID conflict.

I can't play Cheese/Pleasure Sims without these two counters, but I can't stand the ugly original pic of date counter. I used to buy DateCounter and sell it immediately after use.

Thanks to Squinge for the original objects and for allowing modification of his mods.

Recolors featured in the screenshots are available here.

Edit: Someone asked what these paintings do.
I thought the above picture is self-explanatory.
Well, below is the mod description yoinked from Sophie-David's post. (Thanks Sophie-David!)

Yes, Squinge left and took all his toys with him - at his request, all his projects were removed from MTS2. The goodbye thread is here. However, a lot of his work has been reposted at the Sims 2 Graveyard and his adult mods remain here. The original Date Counter can be found in this folder.

These are the explanations for the menus in the Date Counter, they all refer to the history of the current Sim:
Dates - number of first and dream dates
Check Wealth - displays lifetime earnings
Romance - number of makeouts and woohoos
Fights - number of fights won and lost
Best Friends - number of best friends
Lovers - number of simultaneous lovers
Hide Painting - hide the painting (this used to be a necessity!)

AteGrilledCheese counts how many grilled cheese sandwiches a Sim has eaten.
All functions are the same as Squinge's original. The only difference is that they now share recolors with the original Maxis paintings they are based on, and that "Count Simultaneous Lovers" option of DateCounter now counts only loves, not crushes.

Additional Credits:

Squinge for original hacked paintings
IgnorantBliss for "Repository technique" tutorial
Numenor for CEP | Everyone who contributed to the development of SimPE
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