1 North Dakota Way, 4+Br/4Bath, Modern Mediterranean, Partially Furnished

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1 North Dakota Way, 4+Br/4Bath, Modern Mediterranean, Partially Furnished. House is ready to go.

4 Bedrooms
4 Baths
Family Room
Outdoor Kitchen
Veranda, Decks and an Overhead Walkway to the Garden area.

ADDITIONAL CONTENT IN rar FILE (CleanInstaller Wouldn't Pack):
Place In Downloads Folder:
Invisible Driveway By roddyaleixo at http://www.modthesims2.com/creator/roddyaleixo
Recolors By Me: Maxis Bath Mat_Orange, MaxisCaioRefrigerator_Mahogany, MaxisCheapToilet_Orange, MaxisChezMoiIsland_Mahogany, MaxisClubMirror_Orange, MaxisExpensiveDishWasher_Mahogany, MaxisExpensiveShower_Orange, MaxisPedistalSink_Orange, MaxisRctagularTub_Orange, MaxisTrashCompacter_Mahogany, MaxisValueSink_Black, MaxisVODCurtains_Orange, MaxisWallSconceClamshell_Orange, OakTowneSimpleDoor_Mahogany

ChezMoi Cupboard by WellDressedSims at http://www.welldressedsim.com/

If you like my creation or effort, please hit the THANKS button. It only takes a few seconds.

This house has been play tested and cleaned with CleanInstaller.


Lot Size: 4x5
Lot Price: 261,424

Custom Content by Me:
- Reyn Timber Column DkWood recolor
- Rustic Timber Column DkWood Recolor
- Rustic Timber Column DkWood Recolor
- Trend Bedroom Doublebed Yellow Recolor
- Trend Bedroom Dresser2 Yellow Recolor
- Trend Bedroom Dresser3 Yellow Recolor
- Trend Bedroom Dresser Yellow Recolor
- Trend Bedroom Endtable Yellow Recolor
- Trend Bedroom Sideboard Yellow Recolor
- tbudgett - Yellow Wall

Custom Content Included:
- floor_54a6396b by Filmor`s Sims 2 Stube
- 4esf Ceiling Rim 16 Steps high by 4ESF
- 4esf Ceiling Rim White Recolor by 4ESF
- Edge Smoother By Ailias White by Ailias
- AVENIDAfloor2_t173 by Avenida Sims
- Lilies by macarossi
- Grill "Trovata" by Chrissie
- Bar stool "Trovata" by Chrissie
- Dining Chair "Trovata" by Chrissie
- Living Chair "Trovata" by Chrissie
- Loveseat "Trovata" by Chrissie
- Taller Fence Gate by crocobaura
- Taller Fence Gate White by crocobaura
- floor_5028fe87 by Avenida Sims
- floor_f13d3593 by NeptuneSuzy
- Cupressus Mini by xrax
- Grill "Trovata" recolor1 by funny2401
- Bar stool "Trovata" recolor3 by funny2401
- Dining Chair "Trovata" recolor3 by funny2401
- Living Chair "Trovata" recolor3 by funny2401
- Loveseat "Trovata" recolor3 by funny2401
- Trend Bedroom Doublebed by Funny2401
- Trend Bedroom Dresser02 by Funny2401
- Trend Bedroom Dresser03 by Funny2401
- Trend Bedroom Dresser by Funny2401
- Trend Bedroom Endtable by Funny2401
- Trend Bedroom Plant by Funny2401
- Trend Bedroom Sideboard by Funny2401
- Einfach-Simlisch Trovata Garden Bar by funny2401
- Einfach-Simlisch Trovata Garden Bar recolor1 by Funny2401
- Einfach-Simlisch Trovata Garden Diningtable small by funny2401
- Einfach-Simlisch Trovata Garden Diningtable small recolor1 by Funny2401
- Einfach-Simlisch Trovata Garden Endtable by funny2401
- Einfach-Simlisch Trovata Garden Endtable recolor1 by funny2401
- Nasturtium by macarossi
- Hibiscus coccineus by alex_stanton1983
- Sliding Closet Door DrkWood Recolor by Helena at Pixel Sims
- Sliding Closet Door by Helena at Pixel Sims
- 1st Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- 2nd Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- 3rd Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- 4th Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- Stair Wall Opening AE Recolor by Inge
- vertical vinyl siding-red1 by Lethe_s
- London Space - CoffeeTable by Jonesi
- London Space - Extra Seat by Jonesi
- London Space - Seating by Jonesi
- Jonesi_ole mediterran window_recol_darkwood by Jonesi
- k8fstcarved rose by Kate
- Driveway Arch recolor1 by khakidoo
- Driveway Arch by khakidoo
- Marvine-spiralstairs-matching-fence3 by Marvine
- Simple Spiral Stairs - Left turn by Marvine
- Spiral Stairs - Railing - Right turn by Marvine
- 'Not a column' Column by FifthAce2007
- "Chez Moi" Modular Kitchen set - Counter - Multi-Junction by MaryLou & Numenor
- "Chez Moi" Modular Kitchen Set - Trash Compactor by MaryLou & Numenor
- "The Shark" Screen System - Fencepost lantern by Moon_Ez
- Japanese Maple - large by Nengi65
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- ole "mediterran" door by von olemantiker
- ole "mediterran" window open by von olemantiker
- ole "mediterran" window by von olemantiker
- ole "mediterran" long window open by von olemantiker
- ole "mediterran" long window by von olemantiker
- Liberated Plastic Poppies - Half Tile by HystericalParoxysm
- Liberated Plastic Poppies by HystericalParoxysm
- Mini-Pediment in Stucco by macarossi
- Lattice Siding by Reyn
- Timber Column by Reyn
- Rustic Timber Column by Reyn
- Gold Stair Recolor by Reyn
- outdoor2** -hot tub- by sip-outdoor2-hottub-jasmine
- Vincas by macarossi
- wall_3411cb07 by Christine
- wall_50f216c8 by McAlli
- hacienda white wall by 37Sims

Additional Credits:
A Big Thank-You to all the Custom Content Creators.
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