1 North Carolina Way , 4BR / 3Bath Victorian, Partially Furnished

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Kitchen with Breakfast Nook
Dining Room
Pool, Pond, Greenhouse, Garage
Partially Furnished, Ready to move in to.

Chic Stairs will work fine as is, in this house. If you want to use them in another house go here for installation instructions.

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Chez Moi Upper Cabinets by BriAnna at WellDressedSims

RECOLOURS INCLUDED IN RAR FILES (PLACE IN DL DIRECTORY):Chimney Flues Recolor by Poony at elitesimbuilders
Bedding Recolor by Me
Maxis Bath Mat, Cheap Toilet, Club Mirror, Expensive Shower, Pedistal Sink,
Rectangular Tub, Wall Sconce Clamshell Recolours all by Me

The House has been play tested and scanned by Clean Installer.

Have Fun!!

Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 156,726

Custom Content by Me:
- Green Tile
- White Pine Wood Flooring
- dgandy oriental double bed Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental endtable Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental fan Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental floorlamp Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental loveseat Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental screen Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental shade Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental tablelamp Red Recolour
- dgandy oriental vanity Red Recolour
- dgandy souvonier dresser Red Recolour
- Echo3X4rug Red Recolour
- ij Auto Drapes DMMC Shorter Red Recolour
- Numenor_DeckStairs_main DecoWhite Recolour
- marina gable ornament 4t DkBlue Recolour
- marina gable ornament 7t DkBlue Recolour
- HalfWall White and Green Tile
- White Scallop Shingles with Trim
- KindaBlue Siding Both SIdes & Deco Bottom Mlding
- Green Tile
- KindaBlue Siding Right & Deco Bottom Mlding
- DGandy - Red Recolour by tbudgett
- KindaBlue Siding Left & Deco Bottom Mlding
- KindaBlue Siding White Deco Bottom
- Mahogany Flooring

Custom Content Included:
- Maylin curtains -1 tile Long- by -Maylin-
- Maylin-Curtains Long Recolour by -Maylin-
- Maylin curtains -1 tile long- by -Maylin-
- 4esf Ceiling Rim 16 Steps high by 4ESF
- 4esf Ceiling Rim 16 Steps high Recolour by 4ESF
- Georgian Doorway by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian Double Doors by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian Entry Door by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian Entry Door by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian French Door by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian French Double Doors by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian Interior Door by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian Interior Door by phoenix_phaerie
- Chic Stairs Open Underneath by crocobaura
- Colonial Style Short Window by dgandy
- Colonial Style Window - Tall by dgandy
- Colonial Style Window by dgandy
- Lafenetre Privacy Window by dgandy
- rvore Bonsai "Virtude" by dgandy
- Oriental Double Bed by dgandy
- Oriental Endtable by dgandy
- Oriental Fan by dgandy
- Oriental Floorlamp by dgandy
- Oriental Loveseat by dgandy
- Oriental Screen by dgandy
- Oriental Shade by dgandy
- Oriental Tablelamp by dgandy
- Oriental Vanity by dgandy
- Souvonier Dresser by dgandy
- 3x4 Floor Rug by Mummysim
- ATS_cement_Lagorette_black Floor by Sandy
- Victorian Quaint Fence in White by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- Victorian Porch Fence in White by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- Automatic Drapes for shorter windows by Inge
- 1st Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- 2nd Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- 3rd Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- 4th Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- Stair Wall Opening Recolour by Inge
- OMSP for Fireplaces recolour by JohnBrehaut1
- OMSP for Fireplaces by JohnBrehaut1
- Indoor Slats -Sgl Ex Open by khakidoo
- Indoor Slats -Sgl Ex Open Recolour by khakidoo
- Gable ornament 4 tiles by Marina
- Gable Ornament 7 tiles by Marina
- Wooden post for Porch by Marina
- Set "ControCultura" - Marmo - Sycamorepearl by MaryLou & Numenor
- Red Shingles by mia86
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- Trottco 27" MultiPlace IV *Portable* Television - by Numenor by Numenor
- Cortina Individual Curtain by nazariopilar
- Mini-Pediment in Stucco by macarossi
- wall_537f4951 by Komosims
- wall_9433e36a by nengi65
- Lafenêtre Window Short by windkeeper

Additional Credits:
A Great Big Thanks to ALL the Custom Content Creators!!
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