Silver Monkey: Silver Servant Dome of Doom
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As an infant, every male monkey has a love hate relationship with the idea of becoming the Silver Servant. As Silver Servant, your status in society is second only to the Pharoah himself. The best part of the job is being able to live in the Silver Dome (a.k.a. The Dome of Doom).

Apparently, the Dome was built for the first Silver Servant thousands of years ago. Becoming Silver Servant is no easy task, as those who accept the challenge are forced to fight for 70 days and 70 nights against the most skilled of the Pharoahs soldiers. The last monkey standing becomes the Silver Servant! Once you become Silver Servant to the Pharoah, you are his confidante and ambassador until you breathe your last breath.

Most monkeys dream of walking through the private corridors of the Silver Dome and ascending the stairs that seem to climb to the heavens! The life of the Silver Servant is filled with luxury and adventure, as to hold such a respected position is the envy of every monkey in the kingdom.
So why would anyone dread holding the title? Why is the Silver Dome a place of DOOM? Could it be because of The Guardian, the beast that protects the place? Perhaps it has something to do with the crazy layout and having to climb all those stairs to get to the top? Well...upon entering the Silver Dome estate, you are greeted by the Immortality Monkey Statues. With the exception of being covered in silver, the statues always seemed to be so life-like. Legend has it, when a Silver Servant is believed to be dying he is given a paralyzing potion and his body is dipped in a pool of fiery Silver. Once the silver dries, the statue is placed among the Immortality Monkeys.
To this day, no one knows if this story is true. However, records do show that no Silver Servant has lived past the age of 100 AND there is a strangely guarded Silver pool in the back of the residence! Hmmm.........

Lot Statistics:
§159,011 / 2 x 4 Lot / 6 Floors (5 with Living Space) / 2 Swimmable Pools and a Silver Pool / 2 Story Main Dome (decorated for 1 or 2 monkeys) with the Bedroom in the Dome Roof / 7 Empty Stairwell Rooms for you to decorate with your Simian finds

Lot Landmarks:
Immortality Monkey Statues
The Legendary Silver Statues believed to be former Silver Servants
Guardian Ape
The protector of The Silver Dome. He is happy as long as you give him a BIG BANANA! However, don't take his playful nature for granted. His main job is to protect the Silver Servant.
Silver Pool
A mysterious Silver Pool that is surrounded by a protective gate.
I built this lot after my son asked "Why are there Silver Monkies everywhere?" So, this lot is is dedicated to my Little Man and to ALL the GREAT SILVER MONKEYS OF DOOM!
Enjoy the download!

Lot Size: 2x4
Lot Price: §159,011
Custom Content by Me:
- Quidditch Floor Grass 3
- Valdore 3 by stephanie b
- StephSim's Trek Floor 6
- StephSim's Trek Floor 34
- StephSim's Trek Floor 37
- StephSim's FLOOR Orion 03
- StephSim's FLOOR Orion 10
- StephSim's Steel Wall 5
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 28
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 43
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 46
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 62
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 85
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 88
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 90
- StephSim's Star Trek Academy 92
- StephSim's Weathered Wall 4
Custom Content Included:
- Silver Monkey Chair by -Maylin-
- Silver Monkey Column by -Maylin-
- Silver Monkey Torch by -Maylin-
- Red Edge Smoother by Ailias
- Angry Banana Monkey Statue by Crocobaura
- Silver Monkey Chair by Crocobaura
- Silver Monkey Glass Table by Crocobaura
- The Banana by porkypine
- The Silver Monkey of Doom (The Argent Ape) by Hysterical Paroxysm
- "Ascension V2" -by Targa by Targa
Uploaded: 4th Apr 2008, 4.16 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 23rd Nov 2008 at 3:15 AM - MTS2 House Information Update
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Expansion Pack | |
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About Me
As of July 2016, I've decided to reinvent myself (again). Basically, my Sim Creation Renaissance is long overdue! It's time to release the old and move forward, doing things that sustain me in meaningful ways. ◕‿◕
I shall start with a wonderful new Sim Place to call home! And now the Official Unveiling (....drum roll...):
CLICK HERE to experience StephSim's BRAND NEW SIMS 2 WEBSITE called *** Proudly Banished *** !!!
Proudly Banished is my little storage place for a select few of my Sims 2 creations. Since I will NOT be Simming as much, I wanted to provide a small landing pad for random creations I will be sharing. I will on occasion share NO CC/ LOW CC Lots and MTS related recolors here on MTS. However, my CC LOADED Lots will be Housed at Proudly Banished. I've also add the updated Fully Loaded Versions of the American Gothic Mansion. Be sure to click on the Slideshows when available! You will find a few lots, object recolors, clothing recolors and the Regina Mills Sim (from Once Upon a Time)! There should be a little something for everyone!
Take your time and explore the site and be sure to check out *Sherwood Forest* for my PBK Community Goodbyes!
See you there. (。♥‿♥。)
All StephSim walls, floors, and ground covers can be freely used in lot creations on any free or pay site. Feel free to use my neighborhood maps/terrains for any and all of your Simming needs. Feel free to use any objects or object recolors shared on MTS or elsewhere in the Sims 2 community in your creations (lots, movies, stories) Feel free to recolor objects I upload and include the mesh. Feel free to use any Sims I create or my lots for your Sim movie making purposes! In using any of my creations. Credit is not necessary, but please do not claim any shared creations by myself, Sophie-David, Jason Duskey or anyone who I team with as your own.