1 West Virginia Way, Furnished, 3BR, Multi-Level Modern

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Multi-Level Modern done in Art Deco
Play tested and scanned.

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The stairs from 4ESF will work fine in this house without installaion. If you want to use them in other houses you nee to go HERE for installation instructions.

Art Deco Theme From Sims Design Avenue Available Here (DL Furniture and Build Items)

Outdoor Set is from Sims Design Avenue. It is found under Contemporain Livingrooms (Sunset Livingroom)Here

Lot Size: 3x5
Lot Price: 214,007

Custom Content by Me:
- Grass N Rocks
- Mini-Pediment in White

Custom Content Included:
- other10ceilingrim by 4esf
- other10ceilingrim2 by 4esf
- other10ceilingrim2RECOLORwhite by 4esf
- other10ceilingrimRECOLORwhite by 4esf
- other10fenceb by 4esf
- other10staircasemodularRECOLOR1 by 4esf
- Agave by Macarossi
- Edge Smoother by Ailias
- Jack in the Pulpit by Macarossi
- AVENIDAfloor2_t160 by AVENIDA
- tuscancabinet1 by phoenix_phaerie
- tuscancabinet2 by phoenix_phaerie
- tuscancabinet3 by phoenix_phaerie
- tuscancounter by phoenix_phaerie
- tuscanisland by phoenix_phaerie
- tuscanpotrack by phoenix_phaerie
- tuscanstove by phoenix_phaerie
- tuscanstovehood by phoenix_phaerie
- cmtuscancabinet1_recol3 by luslipz73
- cmtuscancabinet2_recol3 by luslipz73
- cmtuscancabinet3_recol3 by luslipz73
- cmtuscancounter_recol3 by luslipz73
- cmtuscanpotrack_recol3 by luslipz73
- cmtuscanstovehood_recol3 by luslipz73
- cmtuscanstove_recol3 by luslipz73
- floor_10d99416 by karin
- floor_90daec0c by karin
- floor_ATS_cement_Lagorette_ by Sandy
- floor_b0c03067 by Shoukeir
- floor_b3941954 by Holy Simoly
- SmallRoundWindow by Helena
- BirchShrubbyLarger by Khakidoo
- BirchShrubbyr by Khakidoo
- floor_Herringbone_clear by Loco
- floor_Herringbone_natural by Loco
- ConcreteSpiralStairs-left by Marvine
- Stand-aloneTV-14in by Numenor
- Pacypodium by Macarossi
- Lattice_081107 by Reyn
- outdoor2-fire by jasmine
- wall_10daebbf by karin
- wall_f0523cd by sim-placement
- wall_f0c033e5 by Shoukeir
- wall_f38fccd8 by Holy Simoly
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Dusche-rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Handtuch_rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Lampe_rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Pflanze by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Pflanze_rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Spiegel_rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Wanne_rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_Waschbecken_rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo-Manu_BZ_Narona_WC_rec2 by Manuela10669
- Zoo_Manu_BZ_Narona_Dusche by Manuela10669
- Zoo_Manu_BZ_Narona_Handtuch by Manuela10669
- Zoo_Manu_BZ_Narona_Lampe by Manuela10669
- Zoo_Manu_BZ_Narona_Spiegel by Manuela10669
- Zoo_Manu_BZ_Narona_Wanne by Manuela10669
- Zoo_Manu_BZ_Narona_Waschbecken by Manuela10669
- Zoo_Manu_BZ_Narona_WC.package by Manuela10669

Additional Credits:
Thanks to ALL the Custom Content Creators.
Sims Design Avenue For Their Exceptional Work.
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