Planets- A set of Neighborhood objects
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Class A Planets (gas giants) are usually found in a star's outer or "cold zone". They are typically 50 thousand to 140 thousand kilometers in diameter and have high core temperatures but do not radiate much heat. Low stellar radiation and high planet gravity enables them to keep a tenuous surface comprised of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen compounds. Examples- Sol 6 (Saturn) and Sol 8 (Neptune)
I've included 2 different sets, with and without rings

Class C planets- Planets of this class are usually found in a star's "habitable zone". They are typically 10 to 15 thousand kilometers in diameter. They have high surface temperatures due to the "greenhouse effect" caused by their dense atmospheres. The only water found is in vapor form. Example: Sol 2 (Venus)

Class J planets- Planets of this class are found in a star's "hot zone". They are typically 1,000 to 10,000 kilometers in diameter. They have high surface temperatures due to the proximty to the star. Their atmospheres are extremely tenuous with few chemically active gases. Example- Sol 1 (Mercury)
Class M Planets- Terrestrial Planets of this class are found in a star's "habitable zone". They are typically 10,000 to 15 thousand kilometers in diameter. They have atmospheres that contain oxygen and nitrogen . Water and life-forms are typically abundant. If water covers more than 97% of the surface, then they are considered Class N. Example- Sol 3 (Earth)
Class N Planets- Pelagic Class N planets are usually found in a star's "habitable zone". They are typically 10,000 to 15 thousand kilometers in diameter. They have atmospheres that contain oxygen and nitrogen . Water and life-forms are typically abundant.

I've also included a wormhole in this set. The wormhole is pictured here:

Polygon Counts:
Class A Planet: 1984
Class C Planet: 1984
Class A Planet with Rings: 3520
Class J Planet: 1984
Class M Planet: 1984
Class N Planet: 1984
Wormhole: 651
Uploaded: 13th Aug 2008, 56.6 KB.
Class M and N Planets (7).rar
Uploaded: 13th Aug 2008, 578.3 KB.
Class J Planets (4).rar
Uploaded: 13th Aug 2008, 301.5 KB.
Class C Planets (6).rar
Uploaded: 13th Aug 2008, 468.5 KB.
Class A Planets- Rings (4).rar
Uploaded: 13th Aug 2008, 411.7 KB.
Class A Planets (3).rar
Uploaded: 13th Aug 2008, 214.7 KB.
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