Park Gardens

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Once two french style town houses, Park Gardens was ajoined with a new smaller building which was used to extend the apartments within each town house. This luxury city pad has now been transformed into 2 luxurious city apartments. Welcome to Celebrity Status. Park Gardens offers many views of the city and a place to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Park Gardens comes Fully Furnished, each apartment has been finished to the highest of standards, Each apartment offers every luxury your sim could need!

Lot Size: 2x2
Apartment Price: $4,592 - $4,800

First Apartment
1 Kitchen
2 Living Room's
3 Bathrooms
1 Study
1 Creational Room
1 Bedroom

Second Apartment
1 Kitchen
2 Living Room's
3 Bathrooms
1 Study
1 Creational Room
2 Bedroom's

These apartments are for Sims that have very high standards and need to keep up appearences! Park Gardens Apartments aren't cheap so be prepared to pay the price for living in such modern luxury!

Custom Content Required but Not Included:
- Georgian French Double Doors by phoenix_phaerie
- Manor House Garden Set byphoenix_phaerie
- Pedimentary, My Dear! Cornice Pediment Doors by phoenix_phaerie
- Mango Tableau x3 Diva Numenor CEP Recolour by Mango-Sims, Rgiles, Quaxi et Numenor

Rent Furnished
CTRL-SHIFT-C to bring up the cheat box, then Enter the following cheat: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true.
Walk your sim to the front door of the apartment that you want to rent. They need to be standing right in front of the door otherwise this will not work. SHIFT-click on the door of the apartment you wish to rent and choose "Rent Furnished." If the action falls out of your queue, your sim probably needs to be closer to the door. Once you have rented the apartment remember to bring up the cheat box again and Enter: boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false to turn the cheat off again.

You will need the Sims 2 Apartment Life to play this lot

Lot Size: 2x2
Lot Price: 4592 - 4800

Custom Content Included:
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- 4ESF Outdoor2 Globe Shrub by 4eversimfantasy
- Camelot Wood Daybed by Fresh-Prince
- Cupressus Mini by xrax
- Cupresssus Sempevirens by xrax
- Michely Wall Set by kriselt
- Michely Wall Set by kriselt
- Antique Table Phone by HystericalParoxysm by HystericalParoxysm
- Apple iMac 24'' by pacotacoplayer
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka
- "Zosia Wall Set" by Margierytka

Additional Credits:
Thank you to MTS2 and all it's creators.
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