Teen/Elder Amusement Park Careers!
Announcement (4-29-09): The NOOFB file in the main .rar is fully ep/base game compatible. It was just used to distinguish between the SEASONS (previously named OFB) version and the fully compatible version. Do not download the Ground_ORIG version if you're downloading after 4-29-09.

Announcement (4-28-09): I've gotten a few pms asking about an adult career version. I've looked into it and all I can say is...eh...it would be hard to span it over ten levels. At the park that I worked at, once you turned 18, you were automatically a supervisor and once you're that, there's really nothing up from there...so there's probably not going to be one....
So after having my clothing creations rejected multiple times, I've taken the hint and have decided to try my hand at something else. So I present to you my amusement park careers! It's a teen career (technically it's an elder career too but some of the chance card scenarios would seem a bit....weird....for an elder)*(see note)
I modeled this career off of my own experience working at my most favorite summer job of all time! If you've ever been behind the scenes of an amusement park then you'd know exactly how complex the inner workings can be, which is why I found it hard to limit all the possible jobs to 3 levels. So, therefore there are four different "sub-careers": admissions, grounds, food service and ride operation.

Hair by Dustfinger
Pants by either migamoo or fishie (I can't remember ;A; )
Taking Back Sunday Shirt by Yours Truly!
Amusement Park – Teen– Admissions
Games Attendant
Wage: $50
Hours: 15:00 – 21:00
The games attendant is the lowest rank in the admissions hierarchy. You'll spend night after night dodging softballs and darts hurled by dangerous teens that’ll do anything for that giant teddy bear. If you can learn how to charm those suckers—err guests—into playing game after game, you'll be promoted in no time!
Wage: $65
Hours: 15:00 - 20:00
T-W -F-Sat
Now that you’re cashier, you’ll never have to play another round of Duck Pond again. But don’t rejoice yet, you’ve got a new problem: Irate Guests. Not only do you have to ring up customers, you’ll have to deal with their nasty, heat induced attitudes, too. If you can learn how to think on your feet and talk yourself out of a bad situation, you’ll impress the boss in no time!
Wage: $95
Hours: 15:00 - 20:00
Congratulations, all the torture and abuse has paid off! You now work park admissions. No more sitting in the heat in a concession booth or having to deal with the 6-day-old grease fumes from the fryers. You’ll be in a nice air-conditioned box behind 2 inches of Plexiglas! And, of course you’ll still get those irritating customers but so what; you control their destiny with a push of a button! You’re now the “bouncer” of the park, revel in your new found power!
Amusement Park – Teen– Ride Operator
Kiddy Ride Operator
Wage: $55
Hours: 15:00 - 19:00
Screaming kids and overprotective parents is what you’ll have to encounter daily when working the kiddy rides! No fast frills, no cheap thrills, no frightened guests to laugh at; just the monotony of the carousel, over….and over…again. Read up on your Operator’s Handbook and you’ll be able to prove you’re ready for the big rides in no time!
Thrill Rides Operator
Wage: $70
Hours: 15:00 - 21:00
Though you’re not handling the rollercoasters yet, you’ve got the Sizzler and the Yo-Yo to contend with. Besides calling in the occasional Code 43 (someone’s vomited), you’ve got nothing to do but say “Hands Up” and push a button. With a little more practice, you’ll be operating the Big Kahuna, SimCity’s fastest roller coaster!
Rollercoaster Operator
Wage: $100
Hours: 16:00 - 21:00
Say goodbye to the junior coasters and thrill rides and say hello to the Big Kahuna! You’re a roller coaster operator, the most prestigious position to hold (as far as ride operators are concerned). You have no children to worry about now that there’s a height limit! And, the ride music is slamming because all the hip tunes are reserved for the roller coasters! Enjoy your new found authority, you’ve earned it!
Amusement Park – Teen– Grounds **read note
Wage: $30
Hours: 15:00 - 20:00
So you want to work at an amusement park, huh? Well welcome to the first level of hell, grounds. You’ll spend endless nights sweeping trash up, and--if you’re lucky--you’ll only have one Code 43 (ugh, vomit!) to clean up. If you can keep the paths spotless while effectively “disappearing” every time you spot one of your friends, you’ll be promoted in no time.
Wage: $45
Hours: 15:00 - 20:00
This time you're trading your broom for a mop and a wet floor sign. You'll never have to clean another Code 43 up again! But don't rejoice yet, you now have to scrub out toilets and keep the bathroom floors spotless. If you keep the bathrooms ship-shape, you'll land yourself a sweet promotion!
Grounds Keeper
Wage: $65
Hours: 15:00 - 19:00
No more toilets, no more brooms, no scrubbing filthy rooms! You're a grounds keeper, the person in charge of keeping the hedges trimmed and the lawns watered. Although you've reached the top of the grounds career, there's always room for improvement. If you keep up the hard work, you might pick up a useful skill.
Amusement Park – Teen– Food Service
Runner – Male
Wage: $45
Hours: 15:00 - 19:00
The runner is the gofer of the food service industry. When the hotdog stand runs out of chili, you've got to run to the warehouse and bring them some more. If the lemonade stand runs out of cups you've got to fetch those, too! All the heavy lifting and running across the park will pay off and soon you'll have a nice stationary spot.
Lemonade Stand Worker – Female
[Same as Runner]
Running the lemonade stand is the most basic job of the food service industry. You'll get hand cramps from pulling the lemon-juicer handle over and over again, but soon you'll be a flying lemonade machine! Learn how to make lemonade in 45 seconds flat and you'll be on your way to a promotion!
Food Prep – Male
Wage: $60
Hours: 15:00 - 19:00
Out of the hot sun and into the hot kitchen. You're now in charge of slicing tomatoes, baking cookies, and making sure the nacho cheese is always kept at the perfect temperature. Keep up the good work and you'll become grill master in no time!
Food Prep – Female
[Same as Food Prep Male]
Out of the hot sun and into the hot kitchen. You're now in charge "clothing the bee-gees” and “bringing home the frenchies” (kitchen lingo for wrapping burgers and putting fries in a cup). If you can match the fast pace of the assembly line and keep up with the kitchen lingo, you'll be grill master in no time!
Grill Master
Wage: $85
Hours: 15:00 - 20:00
Congratulations, all the burns and cuts have paid off! You're now the grill master, the commander of the kitchen. You decide what gets put on the grill and how much of it. And, you’re also in charge of fries, drinks, and everything else! Enjoy being king/queen!
-Admissions upgrades to the Business Career
-Grounds upgrades to the Slacker Career
-Food Service upgrades to the Culinary Career
*As of now Ride-Op doesn't upgrade to anything because I can't think of what it should go to....suggestions?
I started to make custom uniforms like the ones we had at my job but MTS2 has gotten a bit snooty (I still love you guys!) when it comes to body shop creations, so as to avoid any reason for rejection, I used the maxis food service outfits as well as the clerk outfits as uniforms.
Moving on, all careers have chance cards for all 3 levels and each has its own custom career icon. I particularly enjoyed making the chance cards because it brought back some really good memories and some really bad ones too. All the scenarios are based off true events so everything's fairly realistic. I wrote my cards in 2nd person because I think scenarios should be written that way…but if it becomes too much of an annoyance, I’ll fix it.
The pay is a bit on the low side compared to maxis careers but I personally don't like my teens bringing home 150 dollars every night! I wish I made that kind of money >>"
Okay on to compatibility! All careers are EP ready**(read note) and each has its own GUID so as to not overwrite each other or any other careers
I've tested these for days so the bugs should be at a minimum. But if you catch something that I missed, leave a comment here and I'll try to get it fixed.
….er….I think that’s about it (: enjoy~

*There was an “elder” friendly career path and I spent 15 hours (!!!!!) working it too. But, as I was putting the finishing touches on the very last chance card, SimPE had a plug-in error and effectively wiped the entire career blank. So until I get over my tiff with simPE, there will be no elder friendly version.
**The grounds career has two versions. The NOOFB version (included in the main .rar) works for all EPs and base game. The

If you do have seasons and you downloaded the previously named OFB version you're okay.
If you do not have seasons but you're using the NOOFB version you're okay, too.
Sorry for this mess!

Additional Credits: SimPE (Bidou's Career editor), Adobe Photshop 7.0
*Simbology (http://www.simbology.com/smf/index.php/topic,20.0.html)
I used his Sims Blender (the tree pictured above) to do most of my testing . It's like boolProp with out the constant error messages
| Use this in replace of the previously named OFB version if you do NOT have SEASONS (my mistake!)
Uploaded: 30th Apr 2009, 7.8 KB.
| Use this version if you have SEASONS.
Uploaded: 30th Apr 2009, 7.8 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Apr 2009, 36.2 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Because my policy is really inconsistent on my uploads, I've decided to make an official policy! So whatever you see here on my profile is my current policy. You may disregard any ''policy'' information you see on the actual upload itself.
-You may use my creations with sims
-You may use my objects with lots.
-You may retexture my meshes.
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-You may NOT upload my creations with sims
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