Debug Console Command Enabler (Updated July 6th, 2009)
Enables the following debug console commands:
- SaveSimAsLooseFile
- ExportAsEAContent
- ExportAsPaidContent
- ShowInteractions
- Select
- ShowMoreSocials
- RefreshDnP
- DnPOutputPrimitives
- AssertOnRetestingDnPNodes
- ToggleStringId
- TriggerShareTutorial
- RefreshOpportunities
- SetHouseholdName
- SetHouseholdDescription
- ResetLifetimeHappiness
- dialogs
- spawnerwarnings
- DisposeInvalidSimDesc
- resetDnP
- cleanhouseholds
- piemenu
- lifetimehappiness
- lookat
- killplantableobjects
- refreshmotives
- refreshhouseholdthumbnails
- refreshlotthumbnails
- refreshsimthumbnails
- sacsdump
- playobjectsound
- stopobjectsounds
- esrbchecks
- loginteractions
- findsimwithoutfit
- showbroadcast
- showwalkdist
- zoom
- storyprogression
- meta
- debuglots
- worldbuilderimport
- worldbuilderoutput
- SaveUniform
- LoadUniform
- DeleteAllObjects
- exterminate
- spawn
- debugSocial
- killobject
- routedebuglog
- DisplayLotPackageFileName
- money
- purgegenealogy
- logobjects
- stressreset
| Debug Enabler for TS3 1.0.631 (Retail)
Uploaded: 6th Jul 2009, 4.33 MB.
| Debug Enabler for TS3 1.2.7 (First patch)
Uploaded: 6th Jul 2009, 4.33 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 17th Jul 2009 at 12:24 AM by Srikandi
by rothn 2nd Jan 2010 at 1:10pm
11 34.8k 6
by Buzzler 5th Jul 2010 at 2:16am
225 178.7k 420
by treeag 8th Sep 2010 at 12:48am
79 130.2k 328
by Buzzler 10th Sep 2010 at 6:26pm
93 105.3k 174
by lizcandor updated 23rd Jul 2021 at 12:18am
66 47.6k 132
by echoweaver updated 20th Aug 2023 at 5:03pm
+1 packs
Enable Script Error (Updated August 6th, 2009)
by Rick 29th Jul 2009 at 7:36pm
Enables handling of script errors in TS3; This reimplements a feature not present in release builds of TS3 which more...
12 37.7k 8