March of Brows: Three realistic, uniquely shaped brows (binned)
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What you get:
Three types of brows in Brown, Red, Blond, Black and Gray, binned and familized for the sake of your poor overloaded CAS. They're clearly labeled for easy deletion. All hand-drawn I might add, for my ego's sake.
More specifically:
Thirty seconds on why eyebrows are probably the most important part of your face as far as facial recognition goes.
Eyebrows grow--obviously, on your brows. Right? Yeah, and guess what your brows are part of. Your forehead. And your eye sockets. Look at some picture of someone, yeah I'm talking about that poster Justin Timberlake you've got on your wall. Blur your eyes and what can you see? Justin right? You can see the fuzzy shapes of his eye sockets and the general shape of his head--about a third of which is his forehead.
Your eyebrows are like cheat-sheets to the upper half of your face.
Eyebrow shape falls in two categories. The first is the inherent shape from the underlying bone structure. The second is the actual growth structure of the hair.
Eaxis lets us modify the bones structure... sorta. We can move eyebrows up and down, slant them clockwise and counterclockwise, make them thinner and arch them. Yeah no, that's such crap. We have little to no control over forehead shape, so the brow shapes are limited.
For instance...

Tom's brows are pointed directly above his eyes. There's no way to actually get his forehead domed in the right way to achieve this shape. So painting it on has to serve.
These brows are shaped like a smooshed triangle, with thick hair throughout.
Yeah. So that's Model 'T'. The archetypal "Pointy brows".

Meanwhile, Model 'C', the "Angry Eyebrows' make up for the lack of control over the amount of hair. Angry brows are a notch closer to the unibrow. Because Eaxis neglected to give us anyway to move the eyebrows closer together.
Chris also has distinct growth pattern, in that past the temples there's significantly less hair. I found a very similar shape in fanseelambs "Gale Brows" if any one wants some brilliant Maxis-matchy stuff that's similar.

The thing about these brow is um... I kind of messed up, in that they don't look like the person's they're supposed to. But they're perfectly good brows besides that.
Pretty much, these were made for those asian sims who need that thin, ill-defined brow look. In addition to those with thin, sock-shaped brows in general. I don't have so much to say about these, except that they change a face so much, they get an awful lot of use in my game.
I know what you're thinking. Yeah Alfi, those brows are only for dudes.
Yeah no. Eaxis happily made lady sims genetically inclined to have thinner brows. And besides that, shame on you for thinking all women have to have generic plucked brows. These brows look good on male and female. Female on the left, male on the right.

And we're done. Such a temptation to just write my thesis on brow shape right here.
I'm working on matching default replacements right now in case anyone gives a beaver dam.
Eyes in pictures by Shady or Aneh or me depending. The blue eyes and Tom's are mine, the old guy's eyes are Shady's and the rest are Aneh.
Also worth mentioning, Skintones by HP and Twitchhugstrees, with my own edits to them.
Use the textures as you will. Make your own pretty happen with them. I'd be much obliged if you'd ask me first. I shouldn't even have to say, but don't be stupid with the stealing and the re-uploading business. That's silly.

Uploaded: 21st Aug 2009, 149.4 KB.
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About Me
Apparently I've been modding since 2008. Wow. I was 18. Time, huh?
While some of my stuff is here, most of my things can be found on Garden of Shadows or on my Livejournal (which I almost don't even want to link to, because past-self is embarrassing, but it's not like I'm an unknown creator anyways...) .
Also, check out my paintings and graphic novel at
Use my sims work for whatever. Always credit. Keep it free.
And drop me a linky, because I want to see what cool stuff you've made. <3