The Painless Alpha - 2br, 2ba ( Under 20,000 simoleons )

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The Painless Alpha is too top-knotch for its asking price ( Below 20,000 ). To boot, this exquisite domicile for three provides luxuries most starters leave out. Two levels, double stairs, bathrooms on each floor, numerous windows, generous space, a decent front door, and some indulgent skill items thrown in indicate a policy that would meet every challenge to arrange an advantage to the starting household. The Painless (TM) brand of housing was pioneered by The Finesse Architectural Board ( FAB ) in its objective to monopolize the industry and see their enemies driven before them, and the lamentation of the women, also.

FAB's official mission statement speaks for itself:

A simoleon is a simoleon, and if we have to lie, cheat, kill, and steal to get that reduction for you, we will. The Finesse Architectural Board knows that sims want it choice but cut-rate. They want a real roof over their heads, but for a screaming financial markdown and a slight forfeit of ethics - just a teeny, tiny bit. With us you get all that you ask for and nothing less, we just demand that you do not ask what deals were made to reach our estimate, that's all. Don't email us with ecological questions, don't fax us your inquiries about the protection of habitats of indigenous species, no calls about the conditions of labor, no polls or accusations of disenfranchisement - don't be shocked when you ask the sommelier for wine instead of water, and you get wine instead of water.

The intent of Project Painless is value, that the aggregate worth of the bundle brazenly exceeds the transaction. That it is given that willing sims are entitled to everything from full basic utility to material to indoor capacity, and that they should not be deprived of these things and forced to shack up in a vulgar EA shanty such as the Monotone or the Shotgun Style. Highly snooty sims in the infancy of their adult lives can have that one-up on their lowly neighbors right away. Fiscally tight sims can break the ice in their lasting hunt for better deals. Even good sims can bask in complacency when they realize their good deeds will dispossess the house of any sin or negative karma.

Disclaimer: The description is meant to provide amusement. Try not to interpret it as an attack on any cause or religion.


Theme: Accept FAB's terms for a small hit to your conscience and get an advantage starter
Cheats Used: constrainFloorElevation, moveObjects
Original Location: 380 Mirabello Road, Sunset Valley
Target Location: Any regular 20 x 30 lot ( 1,200 simoleons )
Lot Size: 16 x 18, intended for 20 x 30
Capacity: Three young adult sims

On the original 16 x 18 lot
Lot Price: 19,075
Lot Value Unfurnished: 14,717

On a regular 20 x 30 lot
Lot Price: 19,699
Lot Value Unfurnished: 15,341

Playtesting: Three sims for four sim weeks. One Illustrious Author, one Journalist, and one Businessperson


The Painless Alpha was created on a 16 x 18 lot so that it can be rotated after being placed on any 20 x 30 lot ( 1,200 simoleons ) that does not have the 'Beautiful Vista' tag. The lot price should then be 19,699. A household of three young adult sims starts with 20,000 simoleons, so purchasing the lot will leave them with 301 simoleons. This is enough to cover the first bill, which will be around 120 simoleons.

Wall height foundation was used on the first floor to cut costs. Foundation does not allow objects ( windows, toilets, paintings ) attached to it, so either use moveObjects or destroy the foundation and replace it with a wall. If a segment of foundation cannot be demolished, it is because there is a wall above it. Delete the wall segment first to allow deletion of the foundation.

After earning enough money, sims can later move out with the home to place it on a larger lot.

This lot was created with no patch installed and no custom content.

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: 19,699
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