Ambrosia as replicatable group meal (Updated for Generations)
Ambrosia3.jpg - width=368 height=339
Ambrosia4.jpg - width=562 height=585
(I'll be updating it for Pets in a week or so.)
Here is a very simple tuning mod that alters Ambrosia to allow it to be created as a group meal. You only seem to need 1 death fish and 1 life fruit to make a group meal good for up to 8 servings of Ambrosia.

There's a few nice side effects of this simple mod. First, the check the game makes to prevent Ambrosia from being replicated seems to be limited to the single serving version the game normally lets you create. That means if you create a group meal of Ambrosia, you can store it in the replicator.

Also (and this is unaltered) Ambrosia never spoils. Together, the above means you could potentially get 160 servings of Ambrosia from a single death-fish & life fruit. Obviously this is could be somewhat unbalancing in the game so use this mod like you use other cheats that are available to you.
The XML tuning file that is altered is the one that controls *all* recipes in the game. It will conflict with any other mod that changes this file, such as BlackCat007's Cooking and Ingrediants Overhall. Because I made such a small change to the XML, merging my changes in to another existing mod would be very easy to anyone who has read and understood the XML Tuning Modding Tutorial.
One more note... the game doesn't have a group meal mesh for Ambrosia, so I had to reuse the one for single servings. If anyone knows how to make or generate a mesh that would be better, I'd be happy to supply it with this mod.
I have World Adventures and Ambitions, and the file I have modified in this mod includes all the recipes in my game, including the specific ones to each of the EPs. At first I feared this would make the mod only compatible with those that have WA, but since then I've received reports that the mod works with just the base game too.
If you want to get these the way the game was meant to be played, Carl's Sim 3 Guide has excellent, in-depth instructions on how to acquire what you need. Or you can take a short cut and complete my Tomb of the Underground Garden where you will find everything you need.
Uploaded: 3rd Jan 2010, 14.4 KB.
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Updated: 1st Nov 2011 at 12:00 AM - update for Ambitions
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