Hard To Please Sims (increased difficulty mod)
HardToPleaseSimsThumbnail.jpg - width=420 height=300
Thumbnail for the Hard To Please Sims mod
HardToPleaseSimsComparison.jpg - width=1024 height=768
Comparison of mood and moodlet display for different mod types
HardToPleaseSimsJobPerformance.jpg - width=650 height=500
Showing effect of mood on job performance when running the mod
HardToPleaseSimsTable.jpg - width=800 height=180
Table showing the new thresholds for moods when running the mod
Note about Ambitions
Many have reported problems using this mod with Ambitions. I don't have that expansion so won't be able to update it to make it compatible with Ambitions. Anyone who wishes to do so or make any further modifications should feel free to do so. Sorry about not replying to your comments sooner.
Brief Description
Makes the sims higher moods require more moodlet points to achieve, at various levels of difficulty. Also an optional package to alter the mood levels required for bonuses in job performance.
Install one of the "Hard To Please" packages and optionally one of the "Hard To Please For Careers" packages.
Not Brief Description
I found that my sims moods were almost always high and never actually sad or depressed. It doesn't seem to take much to get a sim's mood to max out, so making an effort to accumulate a decent stack of positive moodlets seems unrewarding. If like me, you find this unchallenging or unrealistic, then perhaps you'll like this mod.
This mod will make your sims harder to please. More positive moodlets will be required to raise their moods. An elated sim becomes a more significant acheivement, and I find the increased challenge more satisfying. If I was a sim, I think this mod would give me at least a +15 moodlet :D
There are various levels of difficultly. The thresholds of the mood changes are multiplied by roughly 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x or 3x, with 3x being the most difficult. I've tweaked some of the ranges too, since the very happy and elated moods seemed to take up more than their fair share of the happiness range.
I've also raised the relative position of the "superbar", the area in which a mood grants continuous increase in lifetime happiness points. Your sim must now be elated to reach this point. In normal mode, it was halfway into the very happy mood to get there.
So for example, in 2x mode, your sim needs 150 moodlet points to be elated and start accumlating lifetime happiness points. In normal mode, it would take 75 points to be elated, and lifetime happiness points would accumulate at 50. Too easy if you ask me. Check the screenshots for more detail on the changes.
Also included is an optional mod to alter the mood level requirements for job performance, also multiplied by 1.5x, 2x 2.5x or 3x. This also adds an additional challenge in making career advancement more difficult. I recommend using the same difficulty level for both mods, but it should work fine mixing them up if you want less effect on career advancement for example. If the careers package is left out, the normal mood level requirements for the careers will apply.
This is my first mod for Sims 3, so let me know if it causes any problems, or any questions or what your thoughts are in general. Positive or negative feedback would be welcome.
Just the base Sims 3 game.
Copy only one of the "Hard To Please" package files into the Mods/Packages folder of your Sims 3 directory. Optionally, also copy only one of the "Hard To Please For Careers" packages to that folder to have the new mood levels apply to the mood requirements for job performance.
I suspect the "Hard To Please" packages should be compatible with any mod that doesn't modify the mood threshold levels, or lifetime happiness rewards for high moods, or skill learning boosts for high moods. The "Hard To Please For Careers" packages will probably conflict with any mods that alter the careers.
I don't have World Adventures but I don't think this mod should cause any problems with that expansion.
Table of New Mood Thresholds
Thanks to Twallan and PlasticBox on the modthesims forums for their help in pointing me in the direction of the right variables for the career modifications.
- The Inquisitor
| Zip containing the 3x mood threshold for careers variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 25.2 KB.
| Zip containing the 2x mood threshold for careers variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 25.2 KB.
| Zip containing the 2.5x mood threshold for careers variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 25.2 KB.
| Zip containing the 1.5x mood threshold for careers variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 25.2 KB.
| Zip containing the 3x mood threshold variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 3.6 KB.
| Zip containing the 2x mood threshold variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 3.6 KB.
| Zip containing the 2.5x mood threshold variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 3.6 KB.
| Zip containing the 1.5x mood threshold variety
Uploaded: 10th Feb 2010, 3.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 10th Aug 2010 at 9:37 PM
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