Modern Designer Beachfront, NZ
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Front
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Floor Level 1 (first floor)
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Floor Level 2 (second floor)
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Floor Level 3 (third floor)
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Interior 1 (toilet behind stairs, living room, dining & kitchen)
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Interior 2 (second floor outside deck, bedroom & bathroom)
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Interior 3 (third floor bedroom & bathroom)
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Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Night time view
Welcome to New Zealand - Aotearoa. A land of greenery, lush flora and beaches all within walking distance from each other. Inspired by modern housing designs, I set out to create something a little larger than my modern starter lot and ended up with this. Although this is not based on an actual photograph of a house, I have seen many homes of this style springing up in rural/oceanside areas of Ngunguru, Tutukaka and Waipu, New Zealand. They are fast leaving the term "bach" behind and adopting the very modern contemporary villa as an ultimate seaside/rural home.
In amongst the rural areas of the coast, home owners are decorating their properties with tropical plants, rock gardens and bamboo. I have attempted to create a similar feeling of kiwiana ambience to the landscaping, by including a pond, bamboo, palms and a few japanese maple trees.. these particular maples are rather popular over here. Current New Zealand architects seem to be fascinated with the sharp angular look of solid brick and metallic walls, complemented by glass and fine steel, attempting to blend our human industrial culture and colours into the land around us. This house would be right at home on the hills near Sandy Bay over in Tutukaka, or even as far north as Ruakaka (One Tree Point).
At night the home is brightened up on the outside, without any need for outdoor lighting, as the home has been designed with fenced balconies that serve as aesthetics during the day and functional light-reflectors for the windows at night. The lushly decorated, but low-maintenance section will provide a real bonus for cash-conscious sims, as there will never be a need for a gardener here again!
This home is in the high price range at $102, 114, but is a great buy for a small family or a couple of roomies starting out (with a fair bit of simoleans of course!). The house is a three-storeyed, two-bedroom featuring 3 bathrooms and plenty of space for your sims to stretch out in. The house has a deck on one side at the second storey level, a great place for your sims to relax or do some stargazing. There is also a spa pool out back behind the upper deck/kitchen, should your sims wish to relax after a long day at work or a busy evening with the family, or engage in a bit of water loving!
Yes, in case you're wondering I am from New Zealand.

Lot Size: 3 x 2
Lot Price: $102, 114
Bedrooms: 2
Furnished: Fully + decorative items
Spa: 1(outdoors)
Alarms: 2(smoke/burglar)
Computer: 1
Phone: 1
Lot Size: 3x2
Lot Price: 102, 114
Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ.rar
| Modern Beachfront Villa, NZ - Two bedroom, three storey, fully furnished home
Uploaded: 28th May 2010, 657.5 KB.
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Updated: 28th May 2010 at 7:54 PM by fanseelamb - fixing thumbnail
#modern, #high priced, #three storey, #two bedroom, #fully furnished, #NZ, #villa, #New Zealand, #beachfront, #seaside, #rural
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Pretty simple really... enjoy the free stuff - as it was intended to be a gift - and respect the hard work that went into it.
* * * D E C U S T O M I Z E !!! * * *
Remember ~ look for my sims 2 hair recolours in your BASE GAME hair area.
E N J O Y :)