Autonomous Serenade
Serenade.JPG - width=891 height=790
This small xml edit enables NPC's to do autonomous a serenade.
Don't worry: they only do if they love you..
How it Works
When a sim is in love with you, or he got feelings for you: sometime he may bring (totally random!) a serenade to you.
Please be wanted: this only happens while the Lover has a guitar!
But only sims that actually can play the instrument got it, so don't panic: no dummies will play for you!
Conflitcts & Versions
This XML Change conflicts with any script editing the xml script for the serenade.
As far i know: no other mod for this guy exists: so it should work for everyone.
As Guitars have been there since launch, it should work with the BasePack and all SP & EPs.
However: i have only tested in on Late Night.
This modification fits with any language version of the game, as no strings were edited or deleted.
Sorry for my possible bad english, im from belgium.
Please, feel free to correct my english in a comment or private message, and i will correct!
- Pcexpert
| Standard Version (1.0) : Autonomous Serenade
Uploaded: 24th Nov 2010, 1.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 24th Nov 2010 at 4:29 PM
#Serenade, #Sim, #Love, #Autonomous
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