Everyone can Troll
Screenshot.jpg - width=700 height=560
How does it work?
Very simple! I have two different versions of this modification. The first one unlocks the troll interaction for every sim except TV haters, and the second one will unlock this interaction for everyone including the TV haters!
Compatible Base Game Version
This mod has been tested multiple times on version and 1.36 and compatible without any problems. As i am only able to test the mod with the 1.36 version i can't be sure if it works for versions released before 1.36. Please tell me if you find any problems with lower versions, but this should be no problem.
This mod overrides the Computer+MakeForumPostingTroll_0x291635d0a77ddc3b%%+_XML resource and will conflict with all other modifications that include changes to this resource.
This modification fits with any language version of the game, as no strings were edited or deleted.

Please only download 1 archive, dowloading and installing multiple archives may create conflitcts!
As my mother language is not English, there might be (some) incorrect spelling or grammar. If you spot any, please report it to me and i will fix this.
Uploaded: 17th Aug 2012, 1.4 KB.
Uploaded: 17th Aug 2012, 1.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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#forum, #troll, #interaction, #enabled
by SolaceInSound 9th Jul 2009 at 11:30pm
14 43.2k 31
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